What Are the Treatments for Trapezius Muscle Tear?

The trapezius, the large muscle of the back, is responsible for moving the shoulders and neck and supporting the arms. Overuse -- through weightlifting or carrying heavy objects -- may lead to muscle strain or a partial tear of the trapezius muscle, which may be mild -- first-degree -- or moderate -- second-degree.

Shoulder Shrug Pain

You shrug your shoulders and a sharp pain radiates from the shoulder joint to the surrounding muscles. Possible causes can range from a mild muscle tear to a nerve impingement. The location and quality of the pain you’re experiencing will help reveal the underlying cause.

Effects of Steroids on the Male & Female Reproductive Systems

Legal and illegal steroids -- supplements or drugs similar to testosterone -- can have adverse effects on the male and female reproductive systems. Females might experience more severe effects when taking testosterone because it is produced in small amounts in the female body, making it a foreign substance for women.

Can Vitamins Change the Color of Your Urine?

Your kidneys filter out waste products from your blood and excrete them in the form of urine. Urine often has a yellow color, due to the presence of a compound called urochrome, which is produced when your red blood cells break down. Many things can alter the color of your urine, including vitamins.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Dissecting Iliac Artery Aneurysm?

The iliac artery is a major artery found in both legs, branching off the aorta in the lower abdomen to serve as the major blood supply to the pelvis and each leg. In turn, each of the iliac arteries branch off into smaller arteries that serve the entire lower extremities.

What Effects Does Lactose Have on the Human Body?

A type of carbohydrate, you'll find lactose in milk and milk products. It is a disaccharide, or a sugar molecule, consisting of two sugars – glucose and galactose.

Parts of the Brain Affected by Alcohol

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 51.6 percent of Americans over the age of 12 reported themselves as alcohol drinkers in 2008.

The Effect of Having Poor Time Management Skills

Time management skills allow people to organize their work and personal life efficiently. For example, a person who manages time well will finish tasks ahead of deadlines, without last-minute scrambling or sacrificing work quality. Analyze how you manage your time.

Tips for an Athlete With Bruised Ribs

Athletes involved in contact sports frequently suffer from bruised ribs. The injury, which can occur as a result of a fall or blow to the side, is extremely painful and often makes sufferers feel as though they can't breathe.

The Number of Bones in a Child's Body

Every body possesses a skeleton, made up of bones. These bones allow you to move, they protect your organs and provide a shape to your body. During your lifetime, your bones grow and change with you, allowing you to change from a child to an adult. As an adult, you end up with fewer bones than you had as a child.

The Effects of Smoking on the Tongue

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and can affect your overall health. Not surprisingly, it can also affect your tongue.

Basic Types of Membranes

There are five types of membranes found within the body. Membranes are flat sheets of tissue that cover or line parts of the body and are typically composed of epithelial cells and connective tissue. Epithelial cells cover the inner and outer layers of surfaces and form glands that secrete fluids.