Safety 1st Ear Thermometer Instructions

Safety 1st manufactures a variety of products for infants and their parents. Part of its product line includes items for child care, including thermometers. Some of its thermometers are designed to obtain temperature readings from the ear canal.

Why Humans Need Nucleic Acids

Humans--and all other living organisms--need nucleic acids. The nucleic acids, which include deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, and ribonucleic acid, or RNA, encode genetic information and allow humans and other organisms to follow their genetic instructions.

What Causes Black Mucus?

The lining of your respiratory system, extending from your nose through the airways of your lungs, is coated with mucus. This clear, sticky substance helps keep the airways clean by capturing particles and chemicals from the air you breathe.

How Do the Biceps & Triceps Work Together?

The biceps brachii and triceps brachii are the muscles of your upper arm. The biceps muscle is located on the front of your upper arm and is composed of two heads. The triceps makes up the back of your arm and is made up of three heads.

Eye Floaters and Exercise

From time to time, everyone sees small dark specks moving in their vision. These "floaters" are actually condensations of vitreous humor -- the gel that fills the inside of the eye. The more movement a person makes, such as during exercise, the more floaters that can be seen moving.

Reasons for White Lines on the Nails

Most white lines on nails are harmless and should be of no concern. However, if you have similar lines on many nails or a pair of lines that runs all the way across the nail, these could be an indication of a more serious underlying condition.

The Correct Sleeping Posture for Those With Scoliosis

While your spine naturally curves, it curves in places it shouldn't if you suffer from scoliosis. When the spine rotates, twists or curves due to scoliosis, you may experience outward symptoms like one hip or shoulder being higher than the other.

What Are the Three Different Types of Joints?

Joints are located where two bones come together, allowing movement of the human skeleton. Human joints vary in shape, each moving in a particular way for specific purposes. Some joints prevent movement, functioning mainly to stabilize part of the body, while others allow movement in several directions.

What Do the Parts of the Brain Control?

The brain is the most complex part of the body. It controls our movements, communication, decisions and emotions, as well as our organs.

Can Stopping Exercise Make Your Period Late?

Changes in your exercise patterns, including cessation of exercise, can cause fluctuations in your menstrual cycle.

Why Does the Human Body Not Digest Corn?

It probably happened when you were just a kid -- the first time you noticed that corn looks remarkably similar passing from your body as it did going in.

How Can Sound Damage Your Ears?

The human ear is a complex and delicate organ. Although it does help the body stay in balance, its primary job is to detect and amplify sounds. Unfortunately, loud noises in the environment can damage sensitive ear structures, which can lead to temporary and even permanent hearing loss.