How Do the Quadriceps Work & Benefit the Human Body?
The quadriceps are a set of four muscles at the front of the thigh. They're instrumental in leg strength and function.
Do Heels Make Your Butt Look Bigger?
High heels accentuate curves and add shape to your butt. The way the shoes affect your stance is what gives you a voluptuous look.
What Foods Are Sources of Hydrogen?
Hydrogen is vital for life, the third most common element in the human body and a component of water, DNA and most other organic molecules. Macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, contain hydrogen as part of the chemical structure, and water contains hydrogen as well.
Human Brain Thinking Process
"The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
How to Keep the Respiratory System Healthy
You can promote respiratory health in many ways beyond not smoking. Whether using these strategies preventatively or to reduce symptoms of a condition such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, you can make a positive difference in the health of your respiratory system.
What Are the Causes of Wounds That Do Not Heal?
Normal wound healing takes about 3 weeks, but some wounds can take months or even years to heal. Local factors such as the condition of the wound, infection, trauma and edema affect healing as can systemic factors -- those that affect the whole body -- such as age, general health and nutritional status.
What Are the Medical Uses of Steroids?
Steroids are powerful and effective drugs used to treat a variety of medical conditions. Corticosteroids, the most common group of steroids, treat arthritis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, skin conditions and some kinds of cancer.
Types of Posture
Healthy posture is based on natural positions that balance and support your skeletal system’s curves and weight-bearing abilities against the force of gravity. The idea that standing straight and tall is best for your back posture is a misconception.
Symptom of Confusion and Electrolyte Imbalance
Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and body fluids that carry an electric charge. The balance of the electrolytes is essential for the normal functioning of your cells and organs. Mental status changes are one of the most common presentations of electrolyte imbalances.
Can You Gain Height After Puberty?
Height and puberty correspond to each other, but you've probably noticed that some teenagers get taller well after they've left puberty. Nutrition, gender and the body's own growth plates help determine the timing and velocity of that growth.
How to Clean a Vick's Warm Mist Humidifier
Warm mist humidifiers work by adding heat and moisture into the air you breathe. They can provide symptom relief when dealing with allergies or colds. However, neglecting good cleaning practices can lead to potentially dangerous bacterial or fungal growth in the humidifier due to its warm, moist environment.
List of Body Systems
A systems of the human body consist of specific organs, tissues and cells that work together to perform specific functions. These body systems work in complementary ways to maintain your overall health.