How Much Protein Does a Human Body Need Daily to Maintain Muscle?
One of protein’s primary functions in the body is to replace broken down proteins in muscle tissue. These proteins are necessary for muscle maintenance and development.
Hormones in Male Reproductive Systems
The male reproductive system depends upon the action of many different hormones or chemicals, produced by various body glands and enter systemic circulation. Some of these hormones, called “tropic” hormones, cause other hormones to release.
Food Sources of Acetylcholine
Acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter in the nervous system. It is required for memory, concentration and focus, and it also plays a role in muscle coordination. Acetylcholine is not a component of foods; instead, it is built from choline. The more choline you eat, the more acetylcholine you can produce.
A List of Fatal Human Brain Diseases
Many different things can affect brain function, from infection, to trauma, to metabolic imbalances, but only a few of them are deadly. Most of these deadly diseases are equal opportunity, infecting just as many people from First World countries as they do from underdeveloped nations.
How to Close Gauged Ears
Some people can successfully close a gauged hole without surgery; others require plastic surgery to achieve a normal earlobe appearance, according to Michael Bermant, M.D., a plastic surgeon from Bermant Plastic Surgery.
What in Vitamins Makes My Urine Turn Yellow?
Multivitamins, B-complex vitamins and even heavily vitamin-fortified cereals will often cause your urine to turn a bright, seemingly unnatural shade of yellow.
Smelly Secretions Behind the Ears
The development of smelly secretions anywhere on the body is common in both humans and animals. Skin folds and protrusions around and behind the ears are typical places for odor to develop. There are several possible reasons for this type of odor and some simple tips for countering it as well.
Tips to Correct Teen Posture
If you always seem to tell your teen to “straighten up,” your advice to help your teen improve her posture can have far-reaching benefits. Poor posture in the teenage years causes muscle strain or abnormal bone growth. Poor posture also can make your teen appear less confident.
Symptoms of Clogged Arteries in the Neck
Four blood vessels in the neck carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain -- the right and left carotid arteries and the right and left vertebral arteries. The carotids are much larger than the vertebrals and nourish a correspondingly larger portion of the brain.
Lightheaded & Shaky After Eating Sugar
While you might be tempted to grab a sweetened beverage or sugary snack for energy, several hours later you may feel worse. Simple sugars cause spikes in blood sugar, resulting in feeling lightheaded or weak.
Bone Density and Body Fat Percentage
Your bone density is directly correlated to your body fat, so if you're very slender or exercise too much, your bones may suffer. Girls and young women are susceptible to the "female athlete triad" – a combination of inadequate nutrition, hormone disruption and low bone density.
Muscles That Maintain the Posture
Good posture is a combination of balanced strength and flexibility in the skeletal muscles, enabling people to walk, sit or stand in a graceful manner. Conscious activation of the postural muscles is important, especially when sitting or standing for long periods of time.