The Effects of Poor Nutrition on a Fetus
Your growing baby's short-term and long-term health critically depend on your nutritional status both before and during pregnancy.
Stretches for Middle Back Pain
Pain can develop in several parts of the back, including the middle region. If muscle tightness and joint stiffness are contributing to mid-back pain, stretching this area can help. Stiffness often settles into the mid-back due to poor posture and aging.
Side Effects of Facial Fillers
As you age, your skin loses some of its natural elasticity. The result is fine lines and wrinkles that gradually deepen over time. Fortunately, you don’t have to go under to knife to reduce the appearance of aging.
Five Different Types of Joints
The junction where two bones meet is a joint, also known as a bony articulation. With more than 200 bones in the human body, there are several different types of joints that give the body both mobility and stability. Joints are divided into three groups: freely movable, slightly movable, and immovable.
Body Systems & Nutrition
Ten main body systems work in concert to maintain your health. These systems rely on a healthy diet to supply the specific nutrients required for optimum performance. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals all provide your body systems with the building blocks and fuel required to stay healthy.
What To Do When You Have Swollen Finger Joints
Each finger of the hand has three joints. If these joints become swollen it can cause discomfort. This swelling is an inflammation of the surrounding tissues and can be caused either by injury to the joint itself or, more commonly, by arthritis. Symptoms are pain, stiffness and loss of motion.
Reasons Weight-Lifting Results in Men's Sore Nipples
Weightlifting for males involves getting stronger and sometimes bigger. A certain level of muscle soreness will come from intense workouts with weights, and that can include discomfort with the nipples. There are several ways nipple soreness can develop.
How to Fix Forward Head Posture With Exercise
The forward head posture is where your skull is protruded forward more than an inch over the atlas, which is the vertebra in your neck that your head rests on. According to Dr. Adalbert I. Kapandji, author of "The Physiology of the Joints,"
How to Relieve Pressure in the Ears From Sinus Drainage
Ear pressure and pain are common symptom of sinus congestion and drainage due to allergies or sinusitis. In order to relieve pressure in the ears, it is important to treat the underlying sinus condition with rest, hydration, decongestants and over-the-counter pain relievers.
Burning Thighs While Running
Running is an exercise that conditions overall and requires coordination of muscles throughout the body. Some runners notice a burning sensation in the legs during or after running, especially in the thighs.
How to Unplug My Ears If I Can't Hear
Whether you have a cold or you’ve just stepped off a cross-country flight, you feel one symptom--your ears are plugged. While this is not a serious condition, it is uncomfortable and it makes it inconvenient when you need to hear what others are saying to you.
What Does Ginseng Do to My Body Parts?
Ginseng is a herb that originated in northern China more than 5,000 years ago. Medicinal use of the herb began over 3,000 years ago. Its use spread to North America among Native American tribes who used ginseng for its healing abilities. Ginseng’s many reputed health benefits are derived from the root.