The Muscles & Body Parts Needed to Kick a Football
Kicking a football -- either a round soccer ball, oval American or rugby ball -- uses a lot of muscles and joints. A successful kick requires good eye-foot coordination, balance, accuracy, skill and power.
Does Drinking Coffee Make You Have More Bowel Movements?
If you find yourself hustling to the washroom soon after drinking a cup of coffee, you aren't experiencing an abnormal reaction to your choice of beverage. Although caffeinated coffee affects everyone differently, it commonly results in an urge to have a bowel movement.
How the Skeletal System Works With Other Systems in Your Body
According to Minnesota State University's Emuseum, one of the most important ways the skeletal system works with other systems is via protection. Of particular importance is the skeletal system's ability to protect the central nervous system, which is made up of the spinal cord and the brain.
Ginger and Bladder Discomfort
The bladder is a hollow organ in the lower abdomen that helps store urine. Several conditions, such as incontinence, bladder infections, bladder cancer and cystitis, can affect the functioning of the organ and may lead to bladder discomfort. Your doctor may prescribe medications or surgery to treat your condition.
A List of Physiological Diseases
Physiology encompasses the tissue, organ and cellular functions of the human body. An optimally healthy body has normal physiology. Conversely, human disease represents an aberration in normal physiology--something in the body fails to function as it should.
Harmful Effects of Fertilizers
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, most fertilizers contain about the same basic materials: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and sometimes other nutrients, like zinc, needed for healthy plant growth.
Pimple in the Ear Canal
Your ear canals are the tube-like passageways that connect your outer ears to your ear drums. In some circumstances, you can develop a type of ear canal infection called external otitis or otitis externa.
Exercises to Unblock Ears
Blocked ears can be painful and can temporarily impair hearing. The most common causes include colds, air travel, sinus infections and impacted earwax. There are exercises you can try to unblock your ears. If your ears remain blocked for more than 24 hours, you should seek medical advice.
What Human Body Systems Work With the Immune System?
The immune system is responsible for protecting the body against invasion by diseases and other pathogens including viruses, bacteria and parasites. The immune system is also involved in the normal healing response to trauma as a protection against infection.
Physical Therapy to Prevent Ankle Scar Tissue
The body creates scar tissue as a kind of glue to hold damaged tissues together after an injury or surgery. While immensely helpful in the recovery process, scar tissue can build excessively following an ankle injury or surgery, restricting mobility in your ankle.
Negative Effects of Poor Posture
Posture is an important part of preventing problems ranging from back pain to fatigue. When the back is straight, the spine is supported and stabilized, but as you slouch or practice other methods of poor posture, your spine no longer has the support it needs to stay balanced, leading to many health problems.
Nutrition to Strengthen the Female Reproductive System
If you are trying to strengthen your reproductive system, then you must practice good nutrition. Eating right decreases your chance of suffering from reproductive problems, like difficulty conceiving a child.