How to Swim After Getting a Perm

As with all chemically treated hair, permed hair must be treated with care to maintain a healthy look. The hair shaft is left more vulnerable to moisture after being permed, because the chemicals used in the process open up the cuticle. Permed hair therefore requires a resting period to strengthen up again.

How to Fix a Heel Lift in Snowboard Boots

Heel lift in a snowboard boot is when your toes are held snug in the boot, but your ankle and heel slide up and down loosely. Heel lift is never a good thing and can end up causing your ankles a lot of pain or even injury.

The Difference Between Foam and Plastic Practice Golf Balls

Perfecting a golf swing requires repetition in order to hit the ball accurately. Although you can practice your swing with regular golf balls at a driving range, practice golf balls are designed to allow you to work on your swing in more limited quarters, such as your backyard or indoors.

What to Do If a Snowboard Is Rusting?

If you don't dry your snowboard off after every use, you're bound to get some rust on the edges of your board. Tuning up your board regularly will increase your board's performance and give it a longer life.

How to Keep Your Arms In Front of Your Chest on a Golf Backswing

To put your golf club in position for a powerful, repeatable downswing, you need link your arm swing and body turn on the backswing. Swinging the club too far around your body or picking it up too steeply forces you to compensate somehow on the downswing to get on a path for solid contact.

Snowboarding Tips for Sore Muscles

Snowboarding, an exciting, fast-paced extreme snow sport, demands a lot from your body. You must simultaneously know how to balance and propel yourself while keeping your body in position to prevent injury.

How Do WNBA Tryouts Work?

The WNBA, short for the Women's National Basketball Association, is a professional basketball league that was formed in 1996 in the United States.

Factors That Affect Your Performance in Sports

Playing sports at any level of competition, from pickup games in your backyard to collegiate and professional levels, provides many benefits. From improving cardiovascular health to improving your feelings of self-esteem, sports can impact your life in significant ways.

How to Swim With Your Head Up

If you're a water polo enthusiast or need to swim effectively without submerging your face, swimming with your head up is essential. It lets you remain aware of your position and the goal while you swim.

4 Weeks To A Stronger Core With Simple-Yet-Effective Circuit Workouts

For some people, the word abs stirs up memories that make them cringe — grade-school sit-up tests, planks ‘til you shake or resisting cookies, pizza and everything else that tastes good. For others, the word represents the ultimate goal — the sign that your body is lean and your core is strong.

Swimming Laps Vs. Walking

Swimming laps and walking are both common forms of exercise used to burn calories, increase stamina and improve respiratory and cardiovascular fitness. Each activity has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some exercisers prefer one of them to the other, while many incorporate both into their workout routines.

How to Do Gymnastics at Home for First Timers

Gymnastics requires strength, flexibility and body awareness. It is a complex sport that is best learned under the guidance of a trained professional in a properly-equipped facility.