Pros & Cons of Bicycling

Cycling is an accessible sport that helps hone your cardiovascular fitness and enhances your health, but is not without drawbacks. Low-impact and beginner-friendly, cycling is accessible to most people. However, you have to incur the cost of equipment, hope for sunny days and watch for dangers on the road.

Field Day Games for Adults

There are many traditional field day games that are fun for adults. Mix up the activities to include races, ball-based games and, if weather permits, water-based events. Plan activities that encourage friendly competition and are suitable for all physical levels.

How to Hook Up a Double End Bag

Double-end punching bags are a great training tool for developing rhythm, hand-eye coordination and punching distance. They train both offense and defense maneuvers and promote fast reaction times. Hooking up a double-end bag requires two anchor points for suspending the bag between bungee cords.

Do Boxing Gloves Soften the Hit?

Boxing gloves are simple and effective in design, offering protection both to the puncher and to the opponent being hit. Boxing gloves reduce the impact of punches by increasing the duration of each blow and spreading the impact force over a wider area than a naked first would.

How to Convert MPH & RPM When Cycling

The relationship between miles per hour (MPH) and revolutions per minute (RPM) is useful for learning how to pace when cycling. Many stationary bikes and outdoor bikes have technology that provides metrics. However, you may find it necessary and helpful to manually convert between MPH and RPM readings.

Do You Lose Jumping Ability?

The ability to jump requires not just strength but power, which is a combination of speed and strength. To lift your body weight into the air, your muscles must contract quickly and forcefully. Athletes spend many hours training to increase the height of their vertical jump.

How Do Player Numbers Correlate to Their Position in Soccer?

Traditionally, player numbers in soccer are associated with a specific position. Teams are free to assign numbers as they choose, so there's a lot of variation from tradition.

How to Do a Backhandspring When You're Afraid

During a back handspring, you jump backwards to land on your hands and kick your feet over your head. It's mostly seen in gymnastics, but other athletes such as martial artists do it too. A large part of performing back handsprings is conquering the fear of going end over end.

Should I Use Compression Tights for Basketball?

If you're a basketball player who likes the idea of a tight layer of fabric around your leg muscles, compression tights or shorts may be for you. As of 2013, it's debatable if they actually help your performance or health.

What Does Michael Phelps Do Before a Race?

Michael Phelps retired from competition in 2012 as the most successful Olympic athlete to date. Phelps won 22 Olympic medals, including 18 gold medals, according to USA Swimming.

Can Babies Wear Regular Diapers to Go Swimming?

When you're getting ready to hit the pool with your not-yet-potty-trained little one, finding that you forgot to pack the swim diapers creates a dilemma. You might consider putting on a regular diaper and hoping for the best. But pools insist on swim diapers for both safety and sanitary reasons.

How to Prepare an Infant for a Swimming Class

Preparation will help make your infant's swim class a positive experience. Determine that he is ready for swimming lessons before registering for classes, and in the days and weeks before lessons begin, help your baby learn to enjoy the water and encourage him to feel comfortable in the swimming pool.