Shadow Boxing to Lose Weight
Weight loss is an imbalance of the number of calories you consume versus the number of calories you burn through activity. Shadow boxing is an exercise that burns calories and one that you can do in the privacy of your home. A 140-lb. person burns approximately 382 calories per hour when boxing.
What is Better for Fighting: Boxing or Kickboxing?
A common question in martial arts circles is what styles are superior in a street fight. In many cases, it's an "apples and oranges" argument, such as comparing a ground fighting arts, such as wrestling against a stand up art like karate.
Running & Body Types
Body types can, to a certain degree, determine your running ability and can serve as an indicator of the type of running at which you may excel. In general, distance runners are short and light, while sprinters can be tall and bulky.
What to Drink & Eat for Boxing
As a boxer you must pay far more attention to your diet than the average person. Proper nutrition is not just important, it is critical. You must recover from your training sessions and have the energy to train in the future.
Plyometrics Exercises for Boxing
Boxing is a sport that requires explosive and powerful movements for an athlete to succeed. Plyometrics mimics the physical demands of a fight and will train your body to move more quickly and explosively. It's advisable to start your program with a trainer familiar with plyometrics before continuing on your own.
How to Teach Kids How to Run Faster
Some kids just love to run, whether it's for sport or simply for fun. Running gives kids an opportunity to use up some of their virtually endless energy. There are some things parents can do to help their kids learn how to run faster.
How to Use CrossFit in Triathlon Training?
CrossFit has value for a triathlete, if used strategically as part of training. Use it to help you identify muscle weaknesses and develop power.
Exercises to Increase Punching Power for Boxing
Boxing relies not only on speed and agility, but also on power. You can hit an opponent all you want, but if there is no power behind your punch, you're basically wasting valuable energy. Along with practicing your punches on a heavy bag, there are exercises you can perform to increase your punching power.
Olympic Boxing Training Methods
Olympic boxers train to fight three three-minute rounds by practicing their boxing technique and doing conditioning and strength training drills.
10 Ways to Get Faster for Track
Whether you're running short distance or long distance for track, speed is the answer to winning the race. Although you don't exert all your energy into sprints for long-distance races, your speed still needs to be faster than your competition. Practicing running fast doesn't help you get faster like most people think.
Top 10 Runners in the World
The top ten runners in the world hail from different countries, specialize in different races, and have a wide age range.
Dryland Hockey Cardio Exercises
Dryland cardio exercises include long, slow cardio and high-intensity interval training variations.