Cycling Shortness of Breath

Cycling and aerobic exercise in general, has many health benefits. Exercise strengthens the heart, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, and it also strengthens the lungs. It reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers, while helping to lower blood pressure.

Toenail Soreness & Playing Basketball

Basketball requires quick stops and starts during the fast-paced game, requiring fancy footwork. Without the proper shoes, toenails are often a casualty of the game. To make matters worse, sore toenails could affect your game in the long run if you don't have them treated and address their cause quickly.

Can a Defensive Player Touch an Offensive Player in Basketball?

Basketball is a limited contact sport. Offensive players generally have the right of way on the court, with or without the basketball. Most forms of defensive contact with an offensive players may result in a foul.

What Do Coaches Look for in Varsity Soccer Players?

Varsity soccer players are accomplished players. Although high school soccer players usually can't compare to those playing at the college or professional levels, they have already reached a high level of skill development.

What Is the Offensive Pushing Foul in Basketball?

The rules of basketball at any level include provisions for determining fouls, such as the offensive pushing foul. Any personal foul, including the offensive pushing foul, involves a player making illegal contact with an opposing player while the ball is live.

What Are the Health Benefits of Playing Hockey?

Hockey, whether played on ice or on a field, is a sport that offers a total-body workout that includes both aerobic and anaerobic elements. The fast-paced nature of the sport provides aerobic exercise, while the reliance on all of the body’s major muscle groups also makes it an anaerobic activity.

5 Things You Need to Know About Playing Left Wing In Soccer

A soccer left wing can be a midfielder, a forward or both depending on the team's formation. Generally, the term "left wing" refers to any offensive player who plays on the left side of the field. Because the term is so general, more specific names are typically used.

5 Things You Need to Know About Getting Hit with a Baseball

Each year, hospital emergency rooms see more than 95,000 baseball-related injuries. Many consist of minor sprains or muscle strain, but the most serious injuries come from getting hit with a baseball or a baseball bat, particularly on the head, eyes or chest. Baseball leads the way in sports injuries to the eyes.

5 Things You Need to Know About Doing Suicides in Basketball

If anyone has ever played organized basketball, the terms "suicides" and "gassers" make them cringe. These cardio exercises use the lines on the court to mark off running points for the suicides.

10 Things to Remember Before Playing an Important Basketball Game

Basketball is a game that requires you to not only be physically prepared but also mentally ready. You can spend hours working on technique and fundamentals, but if you do not prepare yourself to compete from all angles, you will have a hard time being successful.

Top 10 Moves to Do in Heavyweight High School Wrestling

High school heavyweight wrestlers often resemble college wrestlers in a variety of ways. They're larger than most of their classmates, often muscled more like a college student than a high school youth. Their larger bodies make some moves and strategies untenable. They can't rely on speed the way a 105-pounder can.

What Is the Purpose of the Semicircle in Basketball?

If you have watched a professional basketball game since 1997 or a college basketball game since 2012, you may have noticed a semi-circle in the foul lane. This area on the basketball court is known as the restricted zone.