How to Get Rid of Rust on Bicycle Spokes

Humid storage conditions or the passage of time can lead to rust on your bike spokes, particularly if you have an older collector bike with carbon-steel spokes plated with chrome or zinc. More expensive stainless steel spokes should not rust. You can readily clean inexpensive spokes to remove rust.

What Is the Football 10 Second Runoff Rule?

NFL and NCAA football officials use the “10-second runoff rule” to punish teams for committing certain penalties that stop the clock in the final minute of either half -- or in the overtime period, in the case of NFL games.

Swimming With Croup

Croup is a common children’s ailment that occurs when swelling develops around the trachea and vocal chords. One of the most noticeable symptoms of croup is the loud, harsh barking sound that occurs when your child coughs or attempts to breathe normally.

The Relation Between Height and Shoe Size in Adolescents

It’s fun to use formulas to predict your teen’s height – as long as you take such predictions with a grain of salt. Shoe size generally is proportional to height, so it’s used in many height-predicting formulations. Such formulations sometimes take the parents’ height into account, as well.

Description of a Good Sports Leader

Good sports leaders have the same positive characteristics as other successful leaders.

Is It Safe to Swim While Raining?

Part of getting the most out of swimming is having full knowledge of water safety, which includes proper procedures for inclement weather, especially during rain and storms. The National Lightning Safety Institute’s safety slogan regarding swimming during storms is, "

Can You Run Wearing Basketball Shoes?

Using the wrong type of shoes for a sport can lead to soreness and injury. Running a few miles one time in your basketball shoes is unlikely to cause permanent harm. But making a habit of running in basketball shoes can slow you down, negatively affect your form and even cause injury.

Healthful Foods to Eat During a Swim Taper

Your energy needs decrease during a swim taper -- the period before a key meet in which you drop off training significantly to give your body a rest. The result of a taper is stronger, refreshed muscles and a boost in cardiovascular performance for competition.

How to Get Into Gymnastics as an Adult

With elite gymnasts often competing in their teens and retiring in their 20s, gymnastics may seem like a sport for the youthful, but it’s really for everyone.

Differences Between Amateur and Professional Athletes

Becoming a professional athlete might be a dream for some sports enthusiasts and athletes, but it’s not always the best bet. Intense competition, a life on the road and grueling practice might take some of the fun out of enjoying a sport from an amateur standpoint.

Toe Pain From Soccer Cleats

Soccer cleats provide the grip and traction players need in order to make their way around a soccer field. For some, it may also be the source of aggravating toe pain. Toe pain may occur for a wide variety of reasons, including undiagnosed foot injuries or ill-fitting or worn out cleats.

The Difference Between Gymnastics & Ballet

Gymnastics and ballet both center on the athlete’s body movements -- the strength, balance, flexibility and artistry displayed in a performance. Despite these similarities, gymnastics and ballet are two different physical activities.