How a Female Swimmer Body Can Slim Down

Female swimmers typically have a muscular body type with a broad back and strong shoulders. This body type is advantageous for swimming. However, during the off season, many female swimmers slim down, desiring not to maintain a muscular physique.

Strategies for Swimming a Half Mile

Swimming is good exercise, but it doesn't always come naturally. You may want to improve your long-distance swimming ability if you're training for a triathalon or other competition. Because swimming puts less strain on your joints, you may just want to swim longer distances to improve your health.

Clicking Problems in the Wrists

Your wrist may make clicking noises for a variety of reasons. Injuries, arthritis or wrist instability are possible causes for clicking noises when the wrist is moved. The clicking may not be serious, or it may require surgery to correct.

Compare Calories of Cardio Boxing to Running

Cardio boxing classes provide a fun, calorie-burning alternative to monotonous activities like running. Cardio boxing uses boxing moves to provide an aerobic workout. Gyms and private studios offer different types of cardio boxing classes for group exercise.

How Should I Field Weak Players in Slow-Pitch Softball?

Strong defense is critical in slow pitch softball, and so is making sure the best players are at the toughest positions. Placing weaker players in the field is a challenge, but there are 10 players on the field in slow pitch softball, and several positions require less defensive ability.

Cadence Vs. Watts for Indoor Cycling

Cycling cadence refers to the rate at which the pedals turn when you're riding your bike. Watts refer to a specific unit of power that you can increase or decrease when riding your bike.

How to Do a Split for Beginners for Kids

A split is a popular move in gymnastics where the legs are extended in opposite directions so that they are parallel to each other. Like other moves in gymnastics, a split also requires physical strength, flexibility, coordination and balance.

Definition of Muscle Torque

Measuring the torque exerted by muscles is fundamental to many aspects of rehabilitation, industrial design, ergonomics and peak athletic performance.

A Good Mile Rate for a Beginner Runner

Adopting running as a new hobby can have important benefits, including increased cardiovascular health and the potential to drop unwanted weight. Beginner runners might be unsure of how to track progress, especially if gains are small at the beginning.

Are Ankle Guards Good or Bad for Runners?

Ankle guards, also known as ankle braces, are designed to support and protect your ankles from injury. Ankle guards are used by runners and other athletes to prevent ankle sprains. However, prolonged use of ankle guards might reduce the range of motion of your ankle joints.

How to Fix a Leak in a Basketball

Basketballs go through plenty of wear-and-tear during games and practices, not to mention just shooting hoops in the driveway. As such, it should come as no surprise when your ball begins to leak.

Safest Sports to Play

The safest sports to play are those with the lowest injury rates. While almost any activity can pose some injury risk -- even if it’s just a pulled muscle or wear-and-tear to a joint -- non-contact sports generally are the safest ones.