How Effective Is Massage Therapy to Treat Scoliosis?
Your spine has a natural S-shaped curve that allows your body to balance, lift and stand with ease. Scoliosis occurs when your spine curves unnaturally. Depending on the severity of scoliosis, the condition can result in pain, arthritis, fatigue and difficulty breathing.
Deep Tissue Massage vs. Sports Massage
Massage therapy involves the manual stimulation and manipulation of your muscles and skin. However, there are several massage types available depending upon your health and your goals for massage. Two common massage types that have some similarities are deep tissue and sports massage.
What Are the Benefits of Vibrational Massage?
Vibration massage can be performed by a therapist or with an electronic device. In this massage stroke, the body part or muscle is shaken, using light to firm pressure. The shaking can be much more vigorous if an electronic device designed specifically for the purpose is utilized.
Psychological Effects of Massage
There are a number of different techniques that fall under the massage therapy category. Everything from Reiki to Shiatsu and Swedish to sports massage is considered a form of massage.
How to Reduce Redness After a Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are used to improve your skin’s appearance and reduce fine lines, skin discoloration, dullness, acne scars and sun damage. They come in a variety of strengths, and the stronger peels penetrate deeper layers of skin.
Steam Room Rules
A steam room is a great place to relax and reduce stress. Regular steam baths can help ease muscle tension, alter moods, cure and prevent cold and flu symptoms and clear the sinuses. According to, steam baths also help increase your metabolism, improve skin complexion and alleviate sports injury pains.
Recommended Time in Steam Room
In ancient times, Romans and Turks used natural hot springs from beneath the ground to create steam rooms. Roman and Turkish steam baths served important community and social functions, but were also intended to induce sweating and improve health.
What Are the Benefits of Chair Massage in the Workplace?
Chair massage is a fully clothed massage performed by a therapist in a chair specifically designed for massage. As the benefits of massage are realized, more businesses are offering chair massage in the workplace as an employee incentive and health maintenance resource.
Side Effects of a Facial
Facials can work wonders when it comes to extracting dirt and bacteria from pores and improving the overall look of your skin. But there are downsides to this spa treatment that may leave your skin looking less than presentable.
How to Wash a Face After a Chemical Peel
During a chemical peel, a solution such as glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid is applied to the skin. The chemical continues to work on the skin over the next week or two, causing the top layer of skin to blister and peel off.
How to Make the Body More Alkaline
In your body, you have a pH balance that is determined by the amount of acidity and alkalinity that is present. On a scale that goes from 0 to 14, 7.4 is considered ideal. If you are way below 7.