Electrical Stimulation Therapy Vs. Massage Therapy
Therapy can be provided from a variety of clinicians, including physical, occupational and massage therapists. Similar interventions are used by all of these professionals because these interventions yield positive results.
Fruit Acid and Facial Peel
Fruit acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acid, or AHA. When applied topically, fruit acids have a rejuvenating effect on skin. They are found in various concentrations in a number of acne and anti-aging treatments, including both over-the-counter and professional-grade facial peels.
What Are the Benefits of a Hand Massage?
Receiving a hand massage can provide you with significant health benefits. Hand massage typically is quick, relaxing and provides you with immediate health benefits, such as improved finger and wrist range of motion, enhanced circulation and reduction of your trigger points—hyperirritable nodules—in your hand muscles.
What Are the Benefits of Leg Massage?
Massage is the therapeutic application of healing touch. Massage is an ancient form of healing and relaxation, and the gentle pressure of hands feels good on sore muscles. Not only does leg massage make you feel good, it has significant health benefits that aid relief from stress, disease, and pain.
How to Keep Avocados After Peeling Them
Whether you slice it, dice it, mash it or puree it, avocados are a healthful addition to your diet, as long as you eat them in moderation.
Can I Exercise After a TCA Peel?
A trichloracetic acid -- TCA -- peel is a type of chemical peel that is considered a medium-depth peel. Skin professionals use this peel to treat a variety of skin imperfections; it requires a longer recovery time than a superficial peel like a glycolic or alpha hydroxy acid peel.
Benefits of a Sauna Room
The heat of a sauna room raises your skin temperature to 104 degrees F and your internal temperature to 100.4 degrees F, causing your heart rate to speed up and your blood vessels to dilate. Sessions in a sauna room are usually short; you only need 10 to 20 minutes to create a good sweat and reap the sauna’s benefits.
What Are the Pressure Points to Massage?
Massaging pressure points on the human body is both pleasurable and therapeutic. It can help relieve pain, improve circulation and channel the flow of energy. There are hundreds of pressure points all over the human body. Most are found in soft tissue near bundles of nerves and joints.
How to Massage Feet to Relieve Aches
Feet ache for many reasons -- standing too long, walking too much, poorly fitted shoes or minor injuries. A good foot massage can help feet feel better, but professional massages can be expensive or inconvenient.
What Are the Treatments for Facial Eczema?
Facial eczema, known as atopic dermatitis, involves skin conditions that result in your skin becoming irritated, itchy and/or swollen, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Treatments for facial eczema have the purpose of relieving itching, preventing future flare-ups and reducing inflammation.
How to Decrease a Facial Bruise Quickly
A bruise is blood that has escaped from broken blood vessels due to an injury. The blood collects in the space between muscle and skin and is visible below the surface of the skin. A bruise on the face is usually not serious but may be a cause of embarrassment until it heals.
Massage & Skin Toxin Release
Everyone enjoys having a massage, with the relaxation and tension relief it brings. The Patient Education Institute defines massage therapy as "