Propane Vs. Butane Stove
Propane and butane are both combustible fuels derived from petroleum. They are commonly used as cooking fuels, particularly in portable camping stoves, according to Michael Hodgson, author of "Camping for Dummies." While there are many similarities between these gases, there are also subtle differences.
Best Brands of Camping Tents
The tent is the quintessential piece of camping equipment, and few people consider camping without one. A good tent provides shelter from the elements and a bit of privacy in crowded campgrounds.
Tools Used for Mountain Climbing
Climbers are not known for eagerly conforming to rules or standards. Quite the opposite, in fact. One result of this approach to life is a wide variance in, and rabid defense of, personal climbing styles.
List of Fishing Equipment
Fishing lines have been cast for sport and for supper as long as there have been water and fish. As each year progresses, the tools for fishing evolve, moving from simple twine on a stick to high-tech rods and lures.
Best Exercises to Increase Your Rock Climbing Endurance
Rock climbing seemingly draws on every kind of movement the human body is capable of, and requires strength, fitness, flexibility and endurance. While strong fingers, arms and shoulders are needed for pulling on hand holds, proper, efficient footwork is also crucial to competent climbing.
Kayak Exercises
Kayaking is about more than just paddling. Because of the nature of the kayak and the types of maneuvers you must do on the water, proper preparation--including exercise and strength training--is essential to becoming a good kayaker. Several exercises can get you ready to show off your kayak skills in the water.
Conditioning Exercises for Ballet Dancers
When training as a ballet dancer, many hours are spent in the studio working on set exercises or choreography. While ballet training may offer a type of fitness regime, in the December 2005 issue of "Dance Magazine,"
How to Ride a Longboard Skateboard
Riding a longboard skateboard uses many of the same techniques as those used to ride a regular skateboard.
Rules of Speedball
Speedball is a game played with two 11-player teams, each of which attempt to advance a soccer ball down a field to score at a goal line. Players kick the ball -- as in soccer, throw and catch the ball -- as in basketball, and punt and pass -- as in football.
Basic Kick Ball Rules
Kickball is a sport that contains elements of baseball, softball and soccer. Kickball rules are designed to offer a flowing, fun game that is played in a safe environment. Competitive kickball rules and regulations are governed by the World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA), which is based in the United States.