Winter Camping Food Ideas

When you camp in the winter, you can have the best campsites to yourself. Wildlife can be easier to spot and track, their prints visible in snow-covered landscapes. But you may exert more energy navigating in snow and burn more calories keeping warm in the cold.

Skin Hazards From Pool Shock

Pool shock is the application of extra chlorine to the water to kill harmful bacteria and algae. Chlorine is a highly reactive and corrosive oxidizer.

Difference Between BMX & Mountain Bikes

The primary differences between BMX bikes and mountain, or MTB, bikes are in their design. A BMX bike is designed for a sprint around a short man-made track, with a smooth surface linking large jumps, while a MTB is designed to travel long distances over rough, natural terrain.

Which Clothes to Pack for Camping

Camping can be fun, refreshing and rewarding. By following a few simple guidelines, you can pack the right items for a camping trip that will ensure your comfort as you settle in around the fire and crawl into the tent. No matter whether it's cold or warm, the right clothes will make all the difference.

Cyclo Cross Bike vs. Mountain Bike

Purchasing a new bike is exciting, but can also be difficult when you are unsure of what type of bike you need. When comparing mountain bikes and cyclocross bikes, there are some similarities, yet very large differences between each.

What Is the Difference Between an Outdoor Basketball & an Indoor Basketball?

When you're ready to work up a sweat in a competitive game of basketball with your friends, the first order of business is finding a ball to use. At a distance, outdoor and indoor basketballs look the same, but each style of ball has a specific design and purpose.

Tips on Catching Nightcrawlers

On cool spring or autumn evenings, just after dusk, nightcrawlers will emerge from their burrows to rest on the surface of the soil and seek mates. This is the best time for catching nightcrawlers. These prolific creatures can often be collected by the thousands on a good night in some areas.

Importance of Sports to Health

Whether it’s a pickup game of basketball or an organized water polo league, playing sports can make you healthier and happier because of the physical activity involved.

Rules of Outdoor Shuffle Board

A modern version of an old English game named shovelboard, outdoor shuffleboard is generally associated with senior citizens due to its prevalence at senior centers and relative ease of play. Yet the game contains elements of strategy and competition that make it appropriate for all ages.

Food Ideas for Camping for 10 Days

When preparing meals while camping, you don't have all of the amenities you would in a normal kitchen. Often times, the only means of cooking food is a fire pit with a grill grate or perhaps a portable propane stove.

The Advantages of IQ Tests

Much is made of a person's intelligence quotient (IQ). This number is supposed to determine a level of intelligence that each person posses. Almost everyone has, at one time in his life, taken an IQ test.

Developmentally Appropriate Art Activities for One-Year-Olds

Babies love to play and interact with the world around them. Developmentally age-appropriate art activities can stimulate a 1-year-old and let him enjoy all the new things he is able to do, according to Baby Center.