Survival Foods to Eat in the Winter to Keep Warm
In the cold months of winter, surviving means you must keep warm. Your body generates heat as it digests the foods you eat, and certain foods will help you keep warmer than others. In the winter, it is especially important to eat foods that are high in energy--or calories.
Skateboard Vs. Longboard
A longboard is a particular type of skateboard. Manufacturers design skateboards in many styles for different purposes. Some are tailored to a specific type of trick. Others are designed for different riding experiences.
Adult Beginner Swim Lessons
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 37 percent of U.S. adults can’t swim 24 yards, which is the length of a typical recreation-center pool. For some adults who don’t know how to swim, signing up for lessons is a big step in itself, as is showing up for a lesson.
The Best Snorkeling Along the Florida Gulf Coast
Snorkeling enthusiasts will find many fascinating places to view the underwater world of Florida’s Gulf Coast. The west coast is lined with beaches and barrier islands in the relatively calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. And from St.
The Best Kayaks for Ocean or Surf Fishing
If you venture into the waves with a recreational kayak that simply has rod holders, your gear may float away with the surf. For ocean or surf fishing, you can choose among two types of kayaks: sit-on-top and sit-in.
Tips on Fishing Man Made Ponds for Catfish
Many owners of man-made ponds stock catfish, particularly channel cats, as a part of their pond management strategy. In these ponds, catfish are relatively easy to catch and can be a lot of fun, particularly for youngsters just learning about fishing.
Deep Pressure and Heavy Activities for School Age Children
<b>Tools for Early Identification and Intervention for 0- to 5-year-olds</b> Sensory Modulation Training Another form of sensory modulation is "Deep Pressure" or "Heavy work" activities. These are wonderful for providing children with the input they crave including deep proprioception and joint compression.
The Best Lures for Largemouth Bass in Ponds
The appeal of fishing in smaller ponds is the likelihood of hungry, and often big, bass. Because ponds are smaller than lakes, sport species like bass are not as likely to be as scarce, according to fishing great Bill Dance.
Pre-K Games to Play in Gym
Preschool students typically love physical activity. Gym is likely one of their favorite classes at school because they get to move freely and release energy. Physical Education teachers should take advantage of this excitement by designing fun and engaging movement games for their preschool students.
Fun Things to Do at Night in Atlanta
There's more to Atlanta's nightlife than the restaurant, bar and club scene. In fact, some of the city's most popular tourist attractions are open at night, even late into the night in some cases.
Canvas Vs. Nylon Tents
Tent walls, ceilings and floors are constructed from a variety of fabrics, such as nylon, polyester, laminates and canvas. Canvas is a heavy, plain-woven fabric typically made from cotton, hemp or a blend. Nylon fabric is a lightweight, silky material made from nylon fibers, a synthetic polymer.
Fun Hockey Games for Kids
Hockey may not be as popular as sports such as baseball, football and basketball (outside of Canada, that is), but it's every bit as exciting. And while it does take many years of practice to perfect your game, the practice doesn't have to be boring.