How to Remove Rust From an Ice Skate Blade

Rusted ice skate blades prevent you from enjoying your time on the ice and may even make it impossible to skate. Poor maintenance and skate storage causes moisture to corrode the metal coating and even the base metal underneath skates.

Swimming Pool Games for Two People

One of the best ways to beat the summer heat and get some much-needed exercise is to get into the swimming pool. And you don't have to be a great swimmer. Just get a friend and a few pieces of equipment and you can enjoy a great workout in the pool. Some of these games can be adapted for more than two people.

Fun Outdoor Ball Games

In good weather, children head outside to play, and almost all of them enjoy playing with a ball -- for a while. When children get bored with kicking or tossing the ball, you can teach them some organized games. Many games are easy to adapt, depending on the balls you have available.

Ring Toss Rules

Ring toss is an outdoor game that has a number of variations. You can play it in the water, on sand or on grass. Ring toss has a skill level from easy to difficult. It is not only fun to play, but it also teaches goal setting and motivation, according to the University of Southern California.

Rollerblade Beginner Tricks

Inline skating, also known as rollerblading, can be great exercise, not to mention a chance for artistic expression. Even beginners can learn a few simple tricks to bring some added flair to their skating. Of course, make sure to wear a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads before attempting any new maneuvers.

How to Adjust the Handlebars on a Schwinn Hybrid Bicycle

A hybrid bike contains features of both a mountain and comfort bike allowing the rider to ride on almost any terrain comfortably. A key feature of a hybrid is that handlebars are straight. Due to this style, the handlebars can only be adjust up and down in height.

Mini Golf Rules

Miniature golf is generally enjoyed by those looking for friendly entertainment but is taken more seriously as a competitive sport in a variety of professional leagues. Across the globe, you'll find families, teenagers and couples as well as experts playing this skilled putting game.

Indoor Sports Activities for Kids

Kids do not need to give up their favorite outdoor sports when the weather is cold, snowy, rainy or stormy. Make a few adjustments in playing equipment and rules, and your children will be able to play football, basketball, volleyball and other favorite outdoor sports in the basement or family room.

Lake Fishing Hot Spots in Western Washington

Western Washington is home to some of the best fishing lakes in the Pacific Northwest. Deep reservoirs and clear mountain lakes provide anglers with numerous opportunities to hook up with bass, trout and a variety of other game fish.

What Muscles Are Used in Climbing Ropes?

Rope climbing is a traditional exercise used by armed forces to prepare soldiers for climbing up and down from hovering helicopters and scaling tall buildings. Rope climbing has also become a mainstream conditioning exercise used by certain training groups like Cross Fit.

Diving & Ear Problems

Dramatic changes in pressure affect your ears and sinuses. You might have experienced ear popping as an airplane descends, for example. As you descend to begin a dive, the pressure increases dramatically with increased depth.

The Best Saltwater Fishing Baits

Fishing with natural bait is perhaps the most productive method of angling for saltwater game fish. Bait fish, clams, crustaceans, squid and other marine life all make good bait, depending on the game fish species.