How to Determine What Size Rollerblades You Need?

According to Inline Planet, wearing poorly fitting Rollerblades, also known as inline skates, constitutes the number one mistake of beginning skaters. If you wear Rollerblades that don’t fit your feet, you will have trouble skating or even standing comfortably. Skates that are too small can give your feet blisters.

How to Wear a Snorkel Mask With Glasses

When you go snorkeling, you need to be able to see clearly to enjoy the experience and stay safe. Though you cannot wear glasses with a snorkel mask, people who wear glasses can use several different methods to seeing clearly in the water.

What Is the Difference Between Saltwater & Freshwater Fish?

Although a few species of fish can live in either salt or freshwater, the great majority require a specific environment. The composition of water determines where saltwater and freshwater fish can live.

How to Break in Climbing Shoes

Rock climbing shoes are probably unlike any other shoe that you have worn. Designed to fit tightly, they allow you to feel small holds and features in the rock. To make the process of breaking them in easier, buy shoes that mimic the natural shape of your foot.

Non Perishable Food for Camping

For food safety outdoors, the USDA recommends keeping hot foods hot and cold foods cold. When camping in hot weather, this may not be possible. There are, however, plenty of foods to eat while camping that don't have to be kept warm or on ice.

How to Clean a Ping Pong Table

Ping-Pong, a common name for table tennis (and the trademark of the game's best-known manufacturer) has been a popular leisure activity since the late 1800s. Although the game has seen several variations, its current incarnation developed with the creation of the International Table Tennis Federation in the 1920s.

How to Clean a Snorkel Mask

Snorkel masks allow you to see clearly underwater, enabling you to admire fish, coral reefs and other sea creatures. Snorkel masks require the same cleaning and maintenance as scuba diving masks.

How to Safely Clean a Good Table Tennis Racket?

Every time a table tennis ball is held by a player or touches the playing surface, it picks up dirt, grime and oil. The ball then transfers these substances to the racket surface upon contact.

Outdoor Fun & Games for a Barbecue Party

Give the guests at your barbecue party the opportunity to laugh, create memories and work off the calories from the deliciously grilled food with entertaining outdoor games that promote physical activity.

Fun Fair-Themed Game Ideas

Toss games and giveaway booths are the heart of a successful carnival, and besides that -- they're fun for parents and kids, alike. So, if you are planning a kids party and creating a carnival theme with games and giveaways, here are some ideas for you. Each giveaway item is either numbered or marked.

How to Make Bean Bags for Bean Bag Toss

Bean bag toss, sometimes referred to as cornhole, is a game in which bean bags are tossed towards a platform with holes. Points are scored depending upon how close to the hole the bag lands.

How to Break in Figure Skates

Figure skaters need plenty of ankle support to perform difficult jumps and spins. To ensure the feet are properly supported, skaters use boots made from multiple layers of leather.