Will Hiking Three Times a Week Help You Lose Weight?
Hiking is one of the best ways to lose weight. Not only do you burn more calories than you do going on a simple walk, but you get to enjoy the beauty of the natural setting where you are hiking.
When You Dance, How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?
Most types of dancing raise your heart rate, making them an aerobic exercise. The amount of calories you burn while dancing depends upon your level of fitness, the type of dancing you do and the intensity of your dance workout. In addition, your current weight affects how many calories you burn while dancing.
Cheerleading Conditioning Workouts
Cheerleading is a highly physical activity that requires strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. You should incorporate conditioning workouts for each of these key areas into your weekly training program. Do each of the following conditioning workouts once per week.
Ankle Pains From Ice Skating
Ice skating is an exhilarating but physically challenging sport in which ankle pain and injuries can occur.
If a Soccer Goalie Has His Hand on the Ball Can a Player Kick It?
In soccer, the goalkeepers are the only players on the field with special privileges. While both deliberately playing the ball with his hands and arms and throwing the ball while in play are illegal for the other 10 fielded players on the team, the keeper is allowed to do both within the penalty box.
The Size of Skydiving Parachutes
Skydiving is an equipment-intensive sport. You need a jumpsuit, helmet and -- of course -- a parachute. The canopy size of a skydiving parachute will largely determine how fast you descend once you jump from the airplane. In general, the larger the canopy, the slower you'll descend and the softer your landing will be.
How to Choose the Right Size Longboard
As opposed to the difficult flip tricks and aerial maneuvers of extreme skateboarding, longboarders prefer to navigate steep hills with a surf inspired style. While the skateboard commonly measures 30 inches in length, the longboard can reach a size of 5 feet or more.
Outdoor Games to Play With 5 & 6 Years Olds
By nature, 5- and 6-year-old kids are playful and love being outdoors. To keep them busy, you can tap into plenty of time-tested games. Many of these games do not require much outdoor space, and kids can enjoy them in all types of weather. Feel free to adapt these games and their rules to suit your needs and interests.
Gym Class Games That Are Fun
Children spend significant time indoors on the computer, watching TV or playing video games, resulting in a rise in childhood obesity. In fact, according to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, childhood obesity numbers have more than tripled since 1980.
Which Is Better: Fiberglass Fishing Rods or Carbon Fiber Rods?
Traditionally made from bamboo, the fishing rod is arguably the most important piece of fishing gear. Today’s fishing rods, however, are made from lightweight, durable materials such as fiberglass or carbon fiber -- commonly called graphite. Choosing the correct rod can enhance your fishing success.
Can You Wear a Life Jacket When Snorkeling?
Snorkeling is a rewarding but potentially dangerous activity in which drowning is an inherent risk. Even competent swimmers can tire in the water and should consider wearing a flotation device or swimming aid. For snorkelers, this means either a life jacket or a snorkeling vest.
What Bait Colors to Use When Bass Fishing
Found in freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers and streams across North America, bass are among the most widely pursued game fish. Bass are known for striking your bait or lure with an aggressive force making bass fishing an exciting sport.