How to Sleep After Cervical Neck Surgery
An article in the August 2009 issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery states that you are likely to notice a significant improvement in your cervical neck symptoms after surgery. Therefore, your decision to choose surgery as a treatment option will likely be beneficial.
Information About Soft Gel Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen is a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) that is used to treat pain and fever. It is also sold under the brand names Advil and Motrin and is available over the counter in grocery stores, drugstores and other retail outlets.
What Are the Causes of Neck Subluxation?
Joint subluxation implies a misalignment or dysfunction. It has been described as a partial dislocation but it also includes “jammed,” deteriorated and damaged joints.
How to Increase Core Body Temperature
The baseline core temperature for most humans is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Your body temperature fluctuates throughout the day depending on physical activity, body heat loss and environmental factors.
Nutrients That Regulate Body Temperature
The human body maintains a consistent core temperature between 98 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and it requires certain nutrients, including water and magnesium, to maintain this healthy temperature. Dehydration can hinder the body’s ability to maintain a safe temperature.
What Are the Treatments for a Pinched S1 Nerve?
According to MedlinePlus, of the National Institutes of Health, sciatica refers to pain, weakness, numbness and tingling in the leg, specifically along the L5 or S1 nerve region. The L5 S1 nerve region describes the area from the lower back behind the buttocks and down the back of the leg.
Boils While Breast-feeding
Soreness and cracked skin around the nipples during breast-feeding is normal, but cracks in the skin open the way for breast infections. Developing an infection typically happens within the first six weeks of breast-feeding, though it is possible to get an infection during weaning.
Exercises For Sesamoiditis
Sesamoiditis is a foot ailment that causes pain on the ball of the foot beneath the big toe. It is so called because of the sesamoid bones, which are tiny bones in the tendons of the big toe. Sesamoiditis is usually due to overuse and is not serious.
Causes of Neck Skin Odor
Body odor plagues many men and women across the United States. Sometimes the unpleasant odor is simply due to poor hygiene and other times its the result of a medical disorder or ailment.
Sudden Neck Pain in a Child
Sudden neck pain in your child is frightening. Fortunately, most incidents involving this type of pain are due to muscle soreness or slight infections. It is important, however, to rule out other, less-common illnesses that can be serious.
What Is Causing Pain in the Top of the Shoulder That Extends Into the Neck?
Pain that runs from the shoulder to the top of the neck is a fairly common occurrence, with more than half the population experiencing an episode of neck pain at least once, according to the "British Medical Journal."
Alternatives for Oxycodone
Available by prescription only, oxycodone is a narcotic of the opioid family indicated in the management of moderate to severe pain that is often post-operative or cancer-related in nature.