Ingredients List for Tylenol

Tylenol is a brand name of drugs popular in North America based upon the primary active ingredient, acetaminophen. Tylenol is owned by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, part of Johnson & Johnson, and was introduced into the market in 1955.

Causes of Heel & Leg Pain

Leg and heel pain can hinder a person's mobility and cause a lot of pain. There can many reasons for pain in the leg and the heel, some injuries will need medical care while other injuries will heal with home treatment.

Can Jalapeno Peppers Cause Painful Urination?

Jalapeno peppers are spicy and can actually cause pain, or a burning sensation, in your mouth, down your throat and in your stomach, and they can cause painful bowel movements and urination.

Pain in the Upper Thigh and Groin Area That Hurts and Has Spread to the Legs

Active people may encounter groin strains or hip injuries as a result of certain high-intensity sports such as hockey or squash, although these injuries can occur during any activity, from running to Pilates.

Four Weeks Pregnant With Pains in the Waist & Legs

Because doctors measure pregnancy from the start of your last menstrual cycle, when you're four weeks pregnant, you may just have missed your first menstrual period. At this point, implantation of the embryo just occurred around one week ago, but already your baby is making his presence felt through hormonal changes.

Fever and Splotchy Rash on a Child's Cheeks

Several common childhood diseases can cause fever and a splotchy rash on the face. Most of the time, these simple illnesses go away on their own, but occasionally a rash and fever requires the care of a doctor.

Exercise & Aspirin

Aspirin has long been considered a medication that may help your health and protect you from heart attack and stroke, though when you take it before or during exercise it does not help or hinder your performance, according to Dr. Gabe Mirkin.

A Fever, Headache and Muscle Aches

A fever, headache and muscle aches are all symptoms of the common cold. The common cold affects billions of Americans each year, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The common cold is the most prevalent during the winter months and children are at a higher risk of getting a cold.

Fever in Children That Lasts Three Days or More With No Other Symptoms

Your child has a fever when she has a rectal or ear temperature of 100.4 degree Fahrenheit or greater, an oral temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater or an axillary -- underarm -- temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. Taking a temperature in the ear in a child under 6 months of age is not reliable.

104 Fever in a Toddler

A normal temperature for a toddler is 98.6 degrees or slightly higher. A fever of 104 degrees indicates a medical problem that should be evaluated by a physician. Rarely, a child with a fever of 104 degrees will have a seizure due to the increased temperature.

Chiropractic Relief for Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic care is commonly sought by people seeking relief from neck or back pain. Chiropractors are not limited to only care of the spine, however. Most chiropractors are trained to adjust and treat extremities including knees, smaller joints such as the toes, and the shoulders.

What Are the Strongest Painkillers?

Pain is a leading reason people seek medical attention, and painkillers are the foundation of pain management in many cases. With many options to choose from, medical professionals must consider which painkillers are most appropriate for the patient's condition.