5 Things You Need to Know About Blurred Vision and Neck Pain
Whiplash is the term for the sudden jerking of the head in one direction and then in another. Whiplash is most common experienced after a car accident, however rough amusement park rides or severe shaking can also cause it.
My Toddler Is Not Urinating As Much With a Fever
Any toddler can experience a decrease in urination, especially if suffering from a high temperature. Symptoms can be caused by many conditions, some potentially serious. This makes it pertinent to understand what can trigger a fever and a decrease in urination -- and when you should contact a pediatrician.
Physical Therapy Procedures for Pinched Nerves in Lumbar Vertebrae
Your lumbar vertebrae is the third section of your spinal vertebrae, located in the lower back. While the lumbar vertebrae are some of the largest vertebra, they are subject to great pressure. Whether due to injury or degeneration over time, lumbar vertebrae can slip out of place, resulting in a lumbar fracture.
Elbow Pain From Working Out
Certain exercises can cause pain and injury to your elbows during or after working out. You may use your elbows more than you realize -- any exercise that requires bending, pushing, pulling and reaching incorporates your elbow joint and surrounding muscles.
Boxing & Hand Pain
If you wonder why your hands might hurt after boxing practice, just look at your hand, then look at your arm and shoulder. The forces a trained boxer generates with a punch are significantly more than those your hand and wrist are meant to withstand.
Causes of Muscle Pain in the Hands and Feet
Muscle pain is a common health complaint that occurs not only due to damage and inflammation of the affected muscle but also the structures around that muscle such as tendons and ligaments. Muscle pain in the hands and feet is usually the result of overuse, strain or injury of the specific muscle.
Causes of Pain in the Hip and Groin Area
Hip and groin pain can turn even a highly active person into a couch potato in a hurry. Many conditions cause pain in the frontal hip and groin area, referred to medically as anterior hip pain. Pain in this area occurs in people of all ages and activity levels.
How to Alleviate Hip Pain in Pregnancy by Sleeping on the Side
Hip pain is a common complaint during pregnancy, and most women experience some degree of hip and back pain during the later stages of pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association, the best sleeping position during pregnancy is known as "SOS", or "sleep on side."
Glandular Fever & Rash
Glandular fever, more commonly known as mononucleosis, is an infectious disease that is transmitted through saliva. This has given it the street name of the “kissing disease.” MayoClinic.
The Best Stretches for Sciatic Nerve Pain
Suffering from sciatic nerve pain can affect your whole life as it limits your ability to be active.
What Are the Treatments for Pinch Nerve in Lower Back?
The term "pinched nerve" refers to compression of some sort on one of the delicate spinal nerves that branch off the spinal cord and travel to the distal parts of the body. In the low back or lumbar spine, a pinched nerve is often caused by a herniated disc or by the formation of bone spurs with osteoarthritis.
How Does Sweat Help to Maintain Body Temperature?
The human body perform countless chemical reactions that are essential for life every second. Many of these reactions can only be performed within a limited temperature range. As a result, humans have a variety of mechanisms to keep their body temperature within a constant range.