How to Heal Wrist & Shoulder Pain

Wrist and shoulder pain can come from a variety of different reasons. The most common reasons for wrist and shoulder pain are from arthritis or a previous injury. Shoulder pain is usually due to the soreness in the shoulder tendon while wrist pain usually comes from cartilage deterioration and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Causes of Continuous Aching Muscles

Most people experience muscle aches and pains at one time or another, usually due to overexertion. The surrounding fascia, tendons and ligaments are often involved, as well as the muscle itself.

Vitamin Supplements for Nerve Pain

Nerve pain is generally caused when the nerves of the peripheral nervous system are damaged, which is referred to as neuropathy. This damage may be caused by toxin exposure, infections and traumatic injury. Some common symptoms of neuropathy may include nerve pain and numbness.

Does Green Tea Help Reduce Colds & Fevers?

For centuries, people have harnessed the healing powers of the camellia sinensis plant to make green tea. Green tea is available as a traditional beverage, or as extract in a capsule. Unlike black or oolong tea, which also come from the camellia sinensis, green tea is not fermented.

Causes of Pain on the Right Side Under the Arm

According to, arm pain, including pain on the right side under the arm, may be generated by nerves, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments or joints. Underarm pain is often the result of traumatic or overuse injuries.

How to Treat Shoulder Pain in a Pitcher

Shoulder pain is a fairly common issue with baseball and softball pitchers, who rely on their shoulder muscles extensively to send the ball over home plate. The forceful and repetitive motion can cause these muscles to become inflamed, resulting in discomfort.

I Have Pain Between the Shoulder Blades After a 30-Minute Walk

A number of factors can contribute to the pain you’re feeling between your shoulder blades after a walk, most of which aren’t cause for alarm. Muscular irritation and joint dysfunction are the likeliest of culprits, but other conditions can also lead to this type of discomfort.

How to Get Rid of Children's Fevers

A fever is a sign that your child's body is fighting infection or illness. A fever occurs when the body temperature exceeds the average temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. While a child's fever causes potential panic, most low grade temperatures aren't serious and can be successfully treated at home.

Upper Thigh & Hip Pain When Trying to Cross My Legs

When crossing your legs, you contract and flex your upper thigh and hip flexor muscles in order to bring one leg over the other while in a seated position. Feeling pain in this area of your body while attempting to cross your legs might be a sign of injury or a chronic medical condition of the joint.

Local Anesthesia Side Effects

Anesthetics are medications designed to help manage pain by either decreasing pain to tolerable levels or blocking pain outright, according to MedlinePlus, a service of the National Institutes of Health. Local anesthesia is an anesthetic that affects the specific body part where it is administered.

Caffeine & Neck Pain

Caffeine is one of the most popular psychoactive drugs in the word. The stimulant occurs naturally in coffee and tea and is added to energy drinks in generous amounts. Caffeine is also found in some over-the-counter pain medications.

What Causes Bicep Pain?

Your biceps are one pair out of more than 600 muscles in your body that contract to move your bones. Tendons connect your biceps to your bones at your shoulder and elbow joints. Bicep pain is attributed to problems with the shoulder joint, elbow joint, or the bicep muscle.