Vitamin Deficiency & Leg Pain

Pain in your legs is never a normal situation. Leg pain is caused by a multitude of factors, including muscle sprain, muscle strain, running and working out too vigorously. Leg pain not associated with injury or overuse of your muscles can be due to a medical problem.

Causes of Hip & Pelvic Pain

Numerous conditions can cause hip and pelvis pain. Hip and pelvis pain may be caused by traumatic injury or certain medical conditions. Pain in the region may signal a serious underlying condition that requires medical intervention. However, some types of hip and pelvis pain respond well to conservative care methods.

Post-Anesthesia Side Effects

Side effects, best thought of as undesired effects of a medical therapy occurring along with the desired treatment, often occur following an anesthetic. Distinct from a complication, which implies harm or risk to the patient, side effects after anesthesia produce inconvenience and discomfort but usually not harm.

Causes of Pain After Hip Replacement

Hip replacement surgery is also called a total hip arthroplasty. Included in the hip is a ball and socket joint, which is made of bone. In hip replacement surgery, the ball and socket joint is replaced with ball and joint components made of synthetic material.

Treatment for a Pinched Nerve in the Hip

Pinched nerves can cause much discomfort, especially in the hip where the nerve is used in movement. According to the National Institutes of Health, a pinched nerve is defined as damage or injury to the nerve, such as through compression, constriction or stretching.

Does Vinegar Cause Intestinal Pain?

Vinegar has been used as a health remedy for centuries. However, very little scientific study has been done to show vinegar has an effect on improving your health, and it may actually cause harm to your body. Intestinal pain is possible after consuming vinegar, especially if you drink it undiluted.

Knots & Pain in Lower Leg

Knots and pain in the lower leg may occur for a variety of reasons. Some are less severe, such as muscle soreness, while others may require more extensive treatment. Athletes such as runners commonly develop knots and pain in the lower leg, as do sedentary people who are exercising for the first time.

Fever and Vitamins

Fever is the elevation of body temperature above normal, and it varies from person to person, although “normal” generally falls within the range of 97 degrees to 99 degrees Fahrenheit.

Exercises to Avoid If You Have Hip Pain

Whether your hip pain is caused by arthritis, bursitis or a problem with the muscles and nerves, the irritated joint can cause pain during the simplest activities. If you have hip pain, you may need to modify your exercise routine.

Treatment for a Pinched Nerve in a Leg

When suffering from a pinched nerve symptom in the leg, the trick is figuring out whether the nerve is in the leg itself or in the lower back. The leg has only a few major nerves and only a few places where those nerves could be pinched, so accurate diagnosis and thus proper treatment is relatively straightforward.

Wrist Pain From Weightlifting

When lifting heavy weights, painful wrists can weaken your grip and take your focus off the exercise. If you’ve developed pain in your wrists from weightlifting, it could be a sign of strained ligaments or tendons, or a fracture.

Back Hip & Heel Pain

Back, hip and heel pain can happen for a number of reasons. Whether from an injury, excessive use or a medical procedure such as surgery, the pain that results causes pain for the individual and can limit mobility.