What Are the Causes of Wrist & Forearm Pain?

Pain in the wrist and forearm is a common complaint in general medical practice. Yet there can be numerous causes for pain in these areas. Some pain may be produced by a relatively mild or temporary condition such as a minor sprain.

Groin & Hip Pain Upon Standing & Walking

Pain in your hip and groin can indicate either a soft-tissue injury in your hip or groin or a compressed nerve. Possible soft-tissue injuries include a muscle strain, hip arthritis and hernia. Standing, walking and other activities may aggravate your symptoms.

Pain Relief for a Broken Pelvis

Your pelvic bones provide support for your internal organs and a sturdy base for your legs. A fracture to any portion of your pelvis requires immediate medical attention. Even after your emergency room visit or hospital stay, you will likely cope with pain from a broken pelvis for some time.

Neck Pain From Lifting Weights

When you lift weights, neck injuries may occur. These injuries happen for several reasons and understanding the symptoms, the treatment options and how to prevent further injuries can help you to make the best decisions on how to cope with and recover from your neck pain.

Causes of Pelvic Pressure

Pelvic pressure is a common female complaint. It may be constant or intermittent, sharp or dull. Often it occurs at particular times, such as during intercourse, urination or menstruation.

Side Effects of Twilight Anesthesia

Twilight anesthesia, more commonly known as conscious sedation or sedation analgesia, according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, consists of intravenous medications to decrease pain, reduce anxiety and facilitate relaxation during procedures such as minor surgery.

Consequences of Nose Piercings

Nose piercings have become more commonplace in recent years in different countries around the world, including the United States. Although many people believe nose piercings to be aesthetically appealing, you need to be aware of potential negative consequences associated with this type of procedure.

What Are the Causes of Foot & Calf Pain?

The lower leg is comprised of the muscles extending down through to the foot. Muscles, tendons and ligaments support the foot and join it to the upper portions of the leg, such as the calf. These systems work together for movement and when a portion of the system is injured the result is signified by pain.

Buttocks and Nerve Pain

Buttocks and nerve pain are usually the result of sciatica, an issue with the sciatic nerve. This type of pain may start in the lower back and extend to your buttocks and as far down as your feet on one side of the body. This pain may go away without treatment, but in some cases, medical treatment is necessary.

What Are the Causes of Intense Sinus Pain Without Congestion?

Many people are misdiagnosed for sinus headaches due to allergies or the common cold when in fact the sinus pain is caused by another issue, according to Jackson Sinus.

A Comparison of Oxycodone & Codeine

When people have pain, they can take a medication such as oxycodone or codeine. Both medications are opiate drugs and work by binding to the opioid receptors in the brain, which change how a person perceives pain.

Why Are My Pierced Ears Sore?

Soreness, irritation and discomfort can occur with newly pierced ears or established ear piercings. Infection is the most serious concern, but there are other possible causes. Possible noninfectious causes include a reaction to ear jewelry, traumatic injury and excess weight on your ears.