Can You Take a Multivitamin With an Aspirin?

Aspirin is a commonly used medication to treat inflammation, fevers, arthritis and cardiovascular disease. It was originally intended to be used as a painkiller. However, as time has passed, the uses for aspirin have grown significantly.

How to Remedy Nerve Pain in the Feet

Pain in your feet may be due to some level of irritation or damage to one or more of your nerves. You may experience nerve pain as a result of a sports injury, excess weight, improper footwear, stress fractures, benign growths or simply the shape of your foot.

Signs & Symptoms of Pinched Nerves in the Arm & Neck

Pinched nerves cause signs and symptoms that can significantly impact your daily tasks. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 20 million people have some type of nerve damage in their arms or legs. (ref 4, pg 1) Nerves can also be pinched as they come out of your spine.

Icy Hot Uses

Icy Hot is a topical medication available over the counter without a physician’s prescription. The medicine uses a combination of ingredients—including menthol and methyl salicylate—to dull pain and relax muscles.

What Are the Causes of Brittle Toe Nails?

The condition of your toenails may change throughout your life. Brittle toenails can develop as you get older, or they may be an indicator of an underlying medical problem. See your doctor for an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your brittle toenails.

Nightmares and Fevers in Toddlers

Toddlers with a mild to moderate fever often experience sleep disturbances. Fevers can cause your child to have both nightmares and night terrors, but the latter are slightly more common in children around ages 4 or 5 years than in toddlers.

Body Temperature While Exercising

During exercise your body's system for regulating temperature is kicked up into high gear. Heat production by the body can cause your internal temperature to rise up to as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit, which can lead to potentially fatal complications.

What to Use to Ease the Neck Pain of Breastfeeding?

After labor and deliver, afterbirth contractions, a sore body and engorged breasts often make slow work of the recovery process. If you've chosen to breastfeed your baby, the potential for a strained neck adds more complexity to an already painful recovery period.

How Does a Tens Unit Help Neck Pain?

Neck pain can result from poor posture, work, over use and trauma such as a motor vehicle accident. Some symptoms of neck pain can be burning, aching, throbbing, shooting and other unpleasant feelings.

How to Relieve Sciatic Pain in the Pelvic & Hip Joints

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and runs the entire length of the leg, from the hip to the sole of the foot. If the nerve is injured, or if muscles such as the piriformis irritate the nerve, you might experience pain in your hip or pelvis.

Causes of Pain in My Left Arm & Chest

Chest pain is a symptom that frequently causes patients to seek medical care. The most common causes of chest pain are fairly benign, and do not require further medical attention.

Causes of Pain in the Upper Left Hip

Numerous conditions can cause pain in the upper left hip. Hip pain may be felt in one or both hips, depending on the cause of the pain and the tissues involved.