What to Feed a Toddler With a Fever

Decreased appetite and fevers typically go hand-in-hand, and your goal during the course of your toddler's fever will be to get him to eat and drink as best as possible.

Red Bumps on the Big Toe

A variety of skin and bone conditions can affect your feet, including your big toes. Red bumps on the skin of your big toes may show up all of a sudden or may develop gradually, over time. Accompanying symptoms can help you determine the cause of your bumps.

Allergies and Fever

Allergies do not cause fevers, according to MayoClinic.com. Allergies can, however, give rise to other conditions that are sometimes accompanied by fever. Elevated body temperature can also be a symptom of illnesses similar to allergies.

How to Get Rid of Hip Flexor Pain

Your hip flexors are the muscles that comprise the front of your hip; you use them when you bend your hip, run or kick. Your hip flexors are susceptible to pain or injury if you place excessive or repetitive stress on them.

Workouts for Tendonitis Leg Pain

Tendons are the tough tissue that connects your muscles to your bones and allow your limbs to move. Tendonitis occurs when the tendon becomes inflamed, usually as a result of overstretching, an impact injury or overuse.

Forearm & Hand Pain

The intricate neuromusculoskeletal system of the forearms, hands and wrists consists of numerous bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons and nerves. These interdependent structures provide us the ability to perform gross and detailed movements needed in daily life, sports and emergency situations.

Burning Pain on Outside Edge of Foot

Burning pain on the outside edge of the foot can be caused by improper footwear, infection or a serious medical condition. Diabetes, peripheral neuropathy and obesity are all factors that can affect the foot, causing pain and burning sensations.

Why Does My Nose Stop Up When Lying Down?

It's hard to sleep when you can't breathe through a stuffy nose. If you have a cold, sinus problems or allergies, you may have difficulty breathing when you lie down. Gravity contributes to the problem and can also help relieve it. Elevating your head on a few pillows may make it easier to breathe.

Does Body Temperature Drop After Exercising?

When you exercise, your muscle cells need to rapidly mobilize large amounts of glucose to provide energy. Only a quarter of this energy is actually converted to motion, however; the remainder is lost as heat.

Dangerous Temperatures for the Elderly

The elderly are at higher risk than the general population for temperature-related health issues. The body's reduced ability to regulate temperature, medical problems, medications and the environment are all factors affecting the ability of elderly individuals to maintain a healthy body temperature.

B12 & Sciatic Nerve Pain

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It runs from your hip and buttocks area down both of your legs. If you experience sharp pain in your lower back, buttocks, the back of the thighs or the back of the legs you may be experiencing sciatic nerve pain.

Home Remedies to Reduce an Infant's Fever

Many doctors consider an oral temperature above 99.5°F or a rectal temperature higher than 100.4°F a fever. If an infant younger than three months has a temperature higher than 100.4°F or if a baby between three and six months has a fever higher than 101°F, call your doctor.