How to Relieve Sinus & Nasal Pain Caused By Barometric Pressure
Barometric pressure--the weight of atmospheric air pressing on a geographic area--changes continuously, accompanying local weather shifts. If you have preexisting sinus diseases or migraine headaches, barometric pressure changes can trigger agonizing sinus and nasal pain.
My Heel Hurts & I Have Sharp Pain When I Walk
When you step forward and hit your heel to the ground in walking, it is referred to as the heel strike. A great deal of force goes through your heel and ankle during walking and each heel strike. If you have an injury such as Achilles tendinitis or plantar fasciitis, walking may become quite painful.
Neck & Shoulder Pain From a Bicycle Fall
Bicycling is a healthy and safe form of exercise enjoyed by tens of millions of people yearly. Unfortunately, bicycle riding does not come without risks. Falling off of a bicycle can result in severe pain in the shoulder and neck area.
Pain on the Right Shoulder Blade From Weightlifting
The shoulder area works hard during virtually every type of upper-body weightlifting exercise, flexing or helping your upper body remain motionless throughout your workout. This makes your shoulder and shoulder blades particularly susceptible to injury while weightlifting.
Causes of Feet and Toe Numbness
Numbness of the feet and toes typically indicates a problem with the nerves that communicate sensory information from these structures to the brain. Chronic illnesses, medications, nutritional deficiencies and physical impingement on the nerves may cause loss of sensation in the feet and toes.
Leg Pain from Low Potassium
Many different factors can cause leg pain. Muscle fatigue, shin splints, atherosclerosis, blood clots, nerve damage, arthritis, gout, osteomyelitis and varicose veins are some of the causes. But perhaps the most common causes of leg pain are related to diet or dehydration.
Exercises for a C6 Pinched Nerve
The C6 is your sixth cervical vertebra, and a pinched nerve can result in a variety of symptoms including shoulder, thumb, index finger, neck and/or scapula pain. Numbness and tingling down the outer portion of your arm may occur along with decreased ability to use the arm.
Pain During Leg Raises
Leg raises are one of the most effective exercises that target your abs from the bottom. The exercise is variable enough to accommodate any fitness level, and most variations require minimal equipment. If you have pain during your leg raises, you could be using improper form or a too-difficult variation.
What Pain Medications Are Prescribed for Bursitis?
Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa, a fluid-filled sac where muscles or tendons must glide over bony surfaces. The most familiar locations include the knee, shoulder, hip and elbow. Excessive use of the joint can cause an acute attack, which manifests as extreme pain and limited range of motion.
Finger Pain in Children
A child may develop pain in a finger for many different reasons. Talking children will be able to describe the specific features and location of the pain. Infants and toddlers may only be fussy, and identifying the source of pain may take some detective work.
Ankle & Foot Pain After Exercise
Your foot and ankle are comprised of many small bones that work together during exercise to help you run, shift your weight and jump. Because exercise places extra pressure on foot and ankle joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons, the feet are subject to injury, swelling and pain.
White Bumps on Heels
When examining your feet, you may notice small, white bumps on your heels. These bumps are normally painless and cause a mere fascination with what they are and why you have them. According to the "Journal of the American Academy of Physician's Assistants,"