What Over the Counter Medicines Are Keratolytics Found In?
A keratolytic agent is a peeling agent and helps remove the horny layer of skin, according to MedicineNet.com. Salicylic acid and sulfur are keratolytic agents and benzoyl peroxide has keratolytic properties.
Eight Conditions That Cause Heel Pain
Among adults, heel pain is the most commonly experienced form of foot pain. The calcaneus, which is the heel bone, is the largest bone in the foot. It is the first portion of the foot to make contact with the ground during walking.
Natural Alternatives to Nexium
Esomeprazole, known by the brand Nexium, is a prescription medication that reduces stomach acid production.
Hip Alignment & Leg Pain
Because the bones of the musculoskeletal system are all connected, an imbalance in one area, such as hip alignment, can cause pain elsewhere. This is also true because misaligned bones can trap nerves, sending impulses to other areas of the body, such as the legs. In some cases, a hip deformity may be to blame.
Pain Under the Big Toe
Foot pain can be tough to resolve because most people are always on their feet. Your big toe, the largest of your foot's digits, sustains much of the pressure you put on your foot when you walk. Pain that is located in, around and under your big toe can be severe and seemingly never-ending.
What Are the Causes of Pain Below Sternum?
Many conditions can cause pain below the sternum. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, or ACG, abdominal pain can occur throughout the abdomen or in one specific abdominal location or quadrant.
Spinal Block Complications
A spinal block, also called a spinal injection or simply a spinal, is a form of local anesthesia that is delivered into the fluid of the spinal column just below the end of the spinal cord. Spinal blocks are given for back surgeries, labor pain or to diagnose the specific location and cause of back pain.
Tingling in Legs Without Pain
Leg tingling a common symptom that occurs as a result of nerve compromise. Although pain may accompany tingling, it does not always have to. Tingling has a number of causes, each of which will be diagnosed in different ways, so you should see your doctor if your tingling is of concern to you.
High Fever With Chills in Toddlers
A high fever and chills in a toddler is the body’s way of saying that something out of the ordinary is occurring. Possible causes include a viral or bacterial infection. If your toddler has a fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, contact her pediatrician immediately.
The Best Over the Counter Medicines for Sinus Congestion
Everyone's experienced it. It's misery. Sinus congestion,or the swelling of the mucous membranes lining the nasal and sinus passages, is one of life's small torments.
Sartorius & Gracilis Injuries
Because of their location in the body, the sartorius and gracilis muscles are particularly vulnerable, not just to trauma but to general wear and tear.
Causes of Sharp Pain in the Stomach While Working Out
Feeling the burn during your workout is a normal sensation, especially when executing abdominal exercises. Whenever you work certain muscle groups, you may experience burning. However, sharp pain in the stomach during your workout is not normal.