List of Painful Terminal Diseases
Many terminal diseases can cause pain. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, or NIH, a person with a terminal illness can decide to pursue aggressive treatment or stop treatment all together.
The Best Over the Counter Energy Boosters
Whether you're dealing with the demands of a stressful job or just didn't get enough sleep last night, you may find that you need an energy-boosting product to help you get through the day. Unfortunately, there are so many options on the market that just figuring out what you should be taking can be exhausting as well.
Colonoscopy Anesthesia Side Effects
The type of anesthesia typically used during a colonoscopy is conscious sedation. Conscious sedation uses sedatives and pain relievers to reduce pain sensations and anxiety during medical procedures. Mild conscious sedation occurs through administration of either oral or intravenous medications.
Causes of Fever & Pain in the Leg
The simultaneous occurrence of fever and leg pain often points to the presence of an infectious or autoimmune disorder. Infections of the leg skin, joints or bones frequently cause the abrupt onset of fever and pain. Gradually evolving pain with intermittent fevers provokes suspicion for a chronic condition.
Can the L4 Nerve Cause Groin Pain and Limping When Walking?
Your spinal cord is the long bundle of nervous tissue and bones that relay messages between your brain and body. Nearly all muscular movement in the body is facilitated by these messages carried by the nerve cells. A severe injury to the spinal cord can therefore greatly hamper movement or prevent it altogether.
Over the Counter Treatment for Threadworms
Threadworms (pinworms) are the most common worm humans can contract. Thread-like in appearance, these worms are white and can grow up to 1.5 centimeters long. They survive inside the human body causing itching and irritation around the anus. Occasionally, they are seen in the stool or visible around the anus.
What Kind of Pain Patches Are There?
Prescription pain patches are an alternative to oral pain pills and injections. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the patches help prevent side effects such as gastrointestinal difficulties and internal bleeding that sometimes result from taking pills.
A Fever After Excessive Exercise
Working your muscles during exercise generates heat. The more intense and prolonged the exercise, the more heat your muscles generate. Your body dissipates this heat primarily by sweating. As the sweat evaporates, body heat is lost.
Causes of Urethra Pain
The urethra is part of your urinary system, along with your kidneys, ureters and bladder. The urethra is positioned at the end of your urinary system where fluid is excreted from your body. The urethra differs in length between men and women, and pain can be caused by several conditions.
Should I Wake up My Child at Night If He Has a Fever?
Most parents are alarmed by a nighttime fever. A fever is caused by a variety of problems; however, viral infection is most common. If your child has a fever, it’s important to know when it’s time to seek medical attention. You can also take a few steps to keep your child comfortable and hydrated during illness.
L5-S1 Pinched Nerve Symptoms
The spinal column is made up of small bones -- called vertebrae -- stacked on top of each other. Nerves exit the spine between each of these bones -- one nerve on each side. These spinal nerves can be compressed by surrounding structures causing symptoms that may interfere with daily tasks.
What Causes Sore Feet in the Morning After Exercise
It's normal for your feet to hurt a bit the morning after a vigorous workout. However, if foot pain is a common thing for you after exercise, there may be a problem. A proper diagnosis from a podiatrist is essential to prevent further damage or injury and to help you get fit pain-free.