How to Relieve Sinus & Chest Congestion
Sinus and chest congestion can be very uncomfortable. They are often caused by seasonal allergies, but they can also be a symptom of bacterial or viral infections (such as the common cold or the flu). Sinus congestion can cause pain (including a sinus headache) and make it difficult to breathe through the nose.
Pain in the Hands After Exercise
Certain physical activities can cause muscle soreness in the hands, but pain that lasts after exercising could be a sign of edema, carpal tunnel syndrome or a break.
Calories to Maintain Human Body Temperature
Maintaining your body temperature is a function of your metabolism -- specifically your basal metabolic rate, or BMR. Your BMR is the amount of calories you burn at rest and can account for between 50 and 80 percent of all the energy you use.
High Fever of 103.5 in Children
According to California Pacific Medical Center, most viral fevers range between 101 degrees and 104 degrees and disappear after two or three days. A fever of 103.5 degrees Fahrenheit technically sits on the border between a common fever and a high fever.
A Cranky Toddler With a Fever and a Runny Nose
Fever, runny nose, and crankiness are three symptoms that frequently plague toddlers, and many times these symptoms are caused by mild ailments such as the common cold or teething.
Home Remedies for Sciatic Nerve Pain
The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, exiting the lower back and running down the leg to the toes. Sciatic nerve pain in the back and legs is usually described as burning, radiating, or dull and throbbing.
Swimming & Pain in the Calf Muscles
Pain in the calf muscles can occur while swimming. This primarily happens when the toes are kept pointed -- called the plantar flexion action -- throughout the activity.
Home Remedies for a Pinched Nerve in the Back
A pinched nerve is also referred to as a slipped disc. A pinched nerve can occur as a result of an accident, a sports injury, a fall in the home or as a result of the aging process. A pinched nerve can be painful. The pain can range from a dull throbbing to a knife-like sharp pain.
What Are the Causes of Pain in the Center of the Chest?
Chest pain is a common experience, but it can be frightening and represent a warning sign that something dangerous is happening in your body. In general, chest pain may originate from the musculoskeletal system, the digestive system, the lungs or the heart and circulatory system.
I Have Arm Pain After Arm Wrestling
Arm wrestling can produce arm injuries similar to trying to lift too much weight at the gym. Muscles, tendons and ligaments in your shoulder, arm and elbow are especially at risk of injury. Seek medical attention if you suspect a severe injury.
What Are the Treatments for a Pinched Nerve Between the Shoulder Blades?
Multiple nerves exit the neck and tract through the upper body. Some nerves travel between the shoulder blades to sense sensation or control muscle movements. At times, these nerves may be pinched either by bone or by tense muscles.
Best Over-The-Counter Antibiotic Ointments
Cuts and scrapes happen to everyone. Information provided by the American Academy of Family Physicians notes that most minor wounds heal well without applying an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment or cream.