Dull Toothaches
Toothache is a type of pain affecting the teeth. It is often described as dull, radiating or throbbing and can range in severity from mild to extremely painful. While there are many possible causes of toothache, dull pain is usually associated with dental cavities or increased sensitivity caused by receding gums.
What Are the Causes of Rapid Breathing in an Infant?
Rapid breathing, often described as panting, is quite common in newborns. When no other symptoms are present--and rapid breathing comes and goes and the baby appears otherwise healthy and comfortable--there's usually no cause for concern.
5 Things You Need to Know About Vitamins That Help Bad Breath
Contrary to popular belief, your bad breath may have little to do with your oral hygiene. If you brush and floss regularly and continue to fight against halitosis, you may be pleased to know that there are several vitamins that help bad breath.
Face & Jaw Pain
In many cases, facial pain can be traced to a relatively simple cause, such as a toothache, headache or chewing gum for too long. But in some cases, the painful and radiating aches are linked to more serious conditions.
Implants Vs. Tooth Crowns
Dental implants and fixed bridge crowns are options to replace missing teeth. You and your dentist will need to discuss your individual case to find the option that’s right for you.
Ingredients in Pepsodent
Pepsodent is a brand of toothpaste that has been sold since the 1920s, when it was the sponsor of popular radio programs like “Amos 'n' Andy” and “The Bob Hope Pepsodent Show.” There are two types of Pepsodent available: Original, and Whitening with Tartar Control.
3 Ways to Wear a Mouth Guard for TMJ
People who have TMJ--a disorder that is characterized by pain and clicking or cracking noises in your jaw when you chew, yawn and talk--often unwittingly grind their teeth at night. To prevent the tooth-grinding and the pain, wear a mouth guard at night.
Baking Soda & Heart Treatments
Sodium bicarbonate, which is sold in stores in the U.S. as baking soda, is used for cooking and medicinal purposes. Often, the amount used in cooking is just a teaspoon or so divided among many servings so it doesn’t have much effect on the body.
Canker Sore & Lysine
Canker sores are small ulcers that can form on the soft tissue of your mouth, often at the base of the gums. The medical term for these lesions is aphthous ulcer.
Food to Soothe a Toothache
Toothaches are a common health problem and can significantly impair your ability to perform your usual activities. Tooth decay, or dental caries, cause most cases of toothache, notes MedlinePlus.
List of Soft Foods & Meats for Wisdom Teeth Extraction
There are several things that you need to keep in mind when eating after your wisdom teeth have been removed. Please be mindful of these considerations after the removal of any tooth, otherwise known as an extraction. When your tooth came out, blood fills in its place, forming a clot.
Can Brushing Teeth With Baking Soda and Peroxide Kill Germs That Cause Cavities?
The wide variety of toothpastes on the market can make it a challenge to choose the best one for cavity protection. Before the development of the commercial toothpaste industry, people used a homemade baking soda paste to brush their teeth.