Dental Implants & Medicaid

The Medicaid program provides health care assistance to persons with low income and limited resources.

Can Black Walnuts Cause Canker Sores?

Canker sores, small painful ulcers can occur anywhere in your mouth, making life miserable for several days. Apthous ulcers, the medical term for canker sores, can be confused with cold sores, but the two are not related.

Electric Toothbrush Vs. Manual Toothbrush

The health of your teeth and gums depends in large part on regular and correct brushing. To accomplish this, the American Dental Association recommends daily flossing and brushing twice a day.

Abscess Toothaches

Pain from an abscessed tooth is like no other kind of toothache pain. While mild toothache pain may come and go, the pain from an abscess is constant and severe. Ignoring severe toothache pain from an abscess can result in serious complications if the infection spreads throughout your body.

What Are the Treatments for Dry Mouth Due to Stress?

Stress is a part of life. It can occur during major life events such as getting married, buying a home, retiring or when there are changes in family obligations. It can also occur daily when stuck in traffic, dealing with an illness or when worrying about finances.

Home Remedies for Bleeding & Swollen Gums

Swollen and bleeding gums, caused by an accumulation of tartar under the gumline, can indicate gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. According to Mayo Clinic, healthy gum tissue is pink and firm; if your gums are puffy, dusky red in color and bleed easily, you should see your dentist.

How to Recover From Wisdom Teeth Swelling

Wisdom teeth removal can leave with you puffed out, swollen cheeks. This swelling is normal, and is proportional to the surgery -- if you had all four of your wisdom teeth removed, expect more swelling than someone who only had his upper or lower wisdom teeth removed, for example.

Can I Exercise After My Wisdom Teeth Were Pulled?

If you plan to have your wisdom teeth removed, it helps to understand the postoperative phase, and when you can resume your normal activities -- such as sports and exercise.

Dry Mouth at Night While Sleeping

The inside of your mouth is lined with three pairs of salivary glands – the sublingual, submandibular and parotid glands. There are also hundreds of tiny ones tucked under the lining of your mouth, which makes it all the more baffling if you often wake up with a very dry mouth.

What Are the Health Benefits of Baking Soda for Digestion?

Painful digestive problems that strike after a heavy or spicy meal can make you miserable. If you want fast relief, but don't have any over-the-counter antacids on hand, check your pantry for a box of baking soda.

Toothpaste That Whitens Teeth From Cigarette Smoke & Coffee Stains

Coffee and cigarette smoke have ingredients with a high propensity for staining teeth. The only foolproof method to prevent those stains from ruining your smile is to abstain from smoking and drinking coffee entirely.

Toothache Pain From a Lost Filling

A lost filling can be a truly painful experience. Fillings may fall out for any number of reasons. Maybe it was new and did not set up properly or you may have eaten something that broke or pulled out the filling. Perhaps decay around the edges of older fillings loosening it.