Toothache Remedies Using Whole Cloves

Toothache pain ranges from throbbing to excruciating, but a good dentist can alleviate the pain quickly. If you can't get to a dentist right away, the wait can prove agonizing. That painful wait may be one reason why so many over-the-counter products and home remedies exist for treating painful teeth.

A Toothpaste Without Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

The ingredients in your toothpaste are as important as the ingredients in your food, but -- like many cosmetic products -- toothpastes contain chemicals that would never appear on your dinner table.

What Causes Extreme Dry Mouth Where Teeth Stick to Lips?

When your mouth is so dry that your teeth stick to your lips, it can be the symptom of a serious medical condition. Having a dry mouth can lead to greater tooth decay, as your body uses saliva to break down food particles that cling to teeth.

Dry Bitter Mouth in the Morning

A dry mouth and morning breath can both cause a bitter taste in the mouth. Your mouth is naturally dry in the morning, so the bitter taste and bad breath are associated with the dryness. Several solutions may help with these problems.

Ingredients in Colgate Total Toothpaste

Colgate Total Toothpaste is sold as a teeth cleaning product from the Colgate Palmolive Company. Other than water and flavoring, the product has 13 different ingredients that make up the formula. Toothpaste is not meant to be swallowed, and should be rinsed after using.

Bad Breath & Throat Infection

Bad breath can be embarrassing, and the person with the condition may not know he has it. Bad breath can be caused by several factors, including an infection in the throat. Uncontrolled, a throat infection can lead to even worse symptoms than strong odor.

What Are the Causes of Jaw Pain & Pain in the Temples?

Numerous conditions can cause jaw pain and pain in the temples. According to MedlinePlus, jaw pain may be caused by traumatic injury or by certain medical conditions. In some cases, jaw pain is accompanied by pain in the sides of the head, or temples.

How to Use Vanilla Extract as a Toothache Remedy

Most kitchens that accommodate the occasional baking project have vanilla extract in the cupboard. However, some people wonder what to do with vanilla extract between baking projects. According to "Readers Digest," vanilla extract has a variety of other uses outside of cooking or baking.

Can Taking Calcium Rebuild Teeth?

Although tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body -- even stronger than bone -- it’s still susceptible to tooth decay when exposed to acids in the mouth. Because enamel is composed of mainly calcium phosphate, a calcium-rich diet is essential during tooth development.

Causes for Shallow Breathing

Shallow breathing can be an alarming and potentially life-threatening symptom if left untreated. People who develop shallow breathing can generally develop wheezing and blue skin (cyanosis). Sometimes, shallow breathing can be due to fluid accumulation within the lungs.

Ingredients in Sensodyne Toothpaste

Sensodyne manufactures several desensitizing toothpastes specifically formulated to relieve the pain of sensitive teeth. Sensodyne Anticavity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, Fresh Mint contains ingredients that block pain associated with contact triggers, such as cold or hot foods.

Puffy Lips & Fever in a Child

Puffy lips accompanied by fever in a child could be a sign of several illnesses. If your child has a fever and swollen lips, she could be suffering from a minor illness, such as a canker sore, or she could be having an allergic reaction. Swollen lips and fever are also signs of Kawasaki disease and chickenpox.