Qi Gong Vs. Tai Chi

Martial arts historian Dave Coffman likes to joke that the main difference between Qi Gong and Tai Chi is "the spelling." While it is true that both arts have similar emphasis, and probably stem from common origins, there are some significant differences in how they are practiced.

What Do the Karate Belt Colors Mean?

Awarding various colored belts to signify the achievement of new levels of expertise in karate (and other martial arts) is a relatively recent tradition. The colored belt is said to have been created by Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, in 1888.The practice was then adapted into other martial arts, including karate.

Basic Bo Staff Techniques

The bo staff is a traditional martial arts weapon that is typically 5 or 6 feet in length. This long wooden stick has both defensive and offensive applications. The staff is especially good for hitting an opponent from a long range. Experienced martial artists can twirl this weapon at mesmerizing speeds.

The Best Shoes for Tai Chi

Tai chi is a great exercise option for seniors, people recovering from surgery and anyone else looking for a low-impact workout. According to an article from Harvard University, tai chi is a "mind-body practice"

Techniques for Self Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is an alternative healing diagnostic tool that allows you to ask your body yes or no questions. It works with the idea that a positive association or “yes” strengthens the muscles, while a negative association or “no” weakens them, according to the website Guided Self Healing.

Tiger Style Kung Fu Techniques

Many kung fu styles base their techniques on the movements of animals. These animals include the snake, dragon, crane, leopard and tiger, among others. According to the Shaolin Kung Fu Academy, a tiger stylist “leaps into attack” and goes for a quick resolution of a fight.

How Does a Punch to the Jaw Cause a Knockout?

A punch to the jaw causes the head to suddenly spin around. This quick motion of causes trauma to the brain that knocks the recipient out leaving him unconscious. Points on the jaw that are especially vulnerable to knockouts are the sides of the chin, and where the jaw is attaches to the skull.

How Long Does it Take to Earn a Black Belt in Karate?

The length of time it takes to earn a black belt in karate depends on the dedication of the student and the standards of the martial arts school issuing the black belt. There is no standard period of training time required to earn a black belt in karate.

Shaolin Kung Fu Exercises

Shaolin Kung Fu is a comprehensive collection of fighting arts that emerged or were adopted by the Shaolin Monastery in ancient China. According to the Shaolin Gung Fu Institute, students engaging in Shaolin Kung Fu exercises gradually learn the specific methods and techniques used in performing animal fighting styles.

Korean Vs. Japanese Martial Arts

Thanks to movies like "The Karate Kid" and champions such as Chuck Norris, the art of karate is almost synonymous with martial arts. In reality, karate is only a small part of the martial arts, and represents only one aspect of the Japanese arts. Other popular Japanese arts include judo, ju jitsu and aikido.

List of Different Fighting Styles

Almost every culture has its own ancient, indigenous fighting style. Most modern cultures have also imported fighting arts from other parts of the world, adopting, adapting and making them their own. Asian arts can now be found in suburban storefronts in most major cities of Europe and North America.

Home Training for Kickboxing

The intense nature of kickboxing requires dedication to a high level of training. Whether you participate just for the health benefits or you are planning to step into the ring, working out regularly in a well-equipped gym is the best way to immerse yourself in the sport.