What Is a Normal Respiration Rate?
Every time you breathe in and out, your lungs inhale oxygen-rich air and blow out carbon dioxide. The number of breaths you take in one minute is known as your respiration rate, or breathing rate.
5 Major Functions of the Cardiovascular System
The cardiovascular system, also known as the circulatory system, includes the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries and blood. The heart functions as the pump that moves blood through the body. The arterial circulation delivers blood from the heart to the body, and the venous circulation carries it back to the heart.
The Effects of Pregnancy on the Cardiovascular System
Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy -- many that you can see and feel and many that you cannot. Your cardiovascular system, which goes through many changes during pregnancy, includes the heart, blood, veins and arteries.
Normal Resting Pulse Rate for Women
The American Heart Association considers between 60 and 100 to be a normal resting pulse rate for an adult woman. This means that her heart should beat between 60 and 100 times per minute when she is sitting or lying in a calm and relaxed state.
Are Sesame Sticks Healthy?
Between-meal snacks may play a crucial role in your diet plan if you feel hungry and need an energy boost during the day. The calories in these foods, however, can quickly add up if you are not careful. With a considerable amount of fat, sesame sticks are no exception and should be eaten in small portions.
Exercise and Unclogging Heart Arteries
Cardiovascular, or cardio, exercise is any kind of exercise that keeps your heart rate up for a suspended period of time. Cardio exercise can unclog your arteries as well as provide other health benefits. Cardio includes circuit weight lifting, running, biking, hiking, dancing and team sports.
Can You Take Fish Oil at Night?
Fish oil supplements are packed full of omega-3 fatty acids, a polyunsaturated fat that helps lower the body’s triglyceride level. When combined with diet and exercise, fish oil may help prevent heart disease.
The Importance of a Lower Resting Heart Rate to Your Health
Your heart rate is another way to say the number of times your heart beats per minute. This varies between people, but knowing your heart rate, and how it tends to change during rest and exercise, helps you monitor your own health. A lower heart rate when you're at rest usually indicates a healthier heart.