List of Foods for a Cardiac Patient
If you have a heart condition, the American Heart Association recommends you eat a healthy diet consisting of a daily intake of no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium, fewer than 200 milligrams of cholesterol, less than 7 percent calories from saturated fat and less than 1 percent calories from trans fat.
How to Improve Heart & Lung Strength
The best way to improve the strength of your heart and lungs is through aerobic exercise, which is an activity that engages large muscle groups in a sustained effort that raises your heart rate and increases your breathing.
How to Read a Pulse Oximeter
Pulse oximeters are devices that are used to indirectly measure the amount of oxygen in the blood by measuring a quantity known as oxygen saturation, or SpO2. SpO2 is a measurement of the percentage of hemoglobin molecules that are bound to oxygen.
Is Olive Oil Bad for High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol?
Not all fats are bad for you. Not only is olive oil OK to eat if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, it may help prevent high blood pressure and reduce cholesterol. You get olive oil by pressing whole olives, and there are different types of olive oil, based on the different extraction methods.
The Effects of Caffeine on a Stress Test
Though you don't have to study for a stress test, you should prepare your body as much as possible. A stress test is used to evaluate the mechanics and functionality of your heart.
Normal Heart Rate When Walking
The normal heart rate while walking is different for each person. Several factors affect each person's normal heart rate. Monitoring heart rate norms is based on your resting heart rate -- the rate your heart beats after a good night's sleep before you get out of bed.
What Happens to the Cardiovascular System During Exercise?
For centuries, the way blood circulated seemed more magic than science, until 1628 when William Harvey described the mechanics by which it flowed against the force of gravity, in his work "De Motu Cordis." Your cardiovascular system pumps and delivers crucial oxygen and nutrients to your entire body.
Irregular Heart Beat Due to Too Much Exercise
Also known as heart palpitations, an irregular heartbeat associated with exercising usually manifests as an unnatural fluttering, skipping or pounding of the heart. It is often conspicuous enough to to detect without using a heart monitor or checking pulse.
List of Low-Sodium Diet Foods
Sodium help your body transmit nerve impulses and maintain healthy fluid levels, and helps your muscles relax and contract. Too much sodium, however, can increase your blood pressure and worsen symptoms related to kidney, liver and heart disease.
How to Know If Left Arm Pain Is Heart Related
Pain in the left arm can be due to many causes, ranging from a pulled muscle to a massive heart attack. While it is not always possible to determine whether left arm pain is due to an insignificant cause or something potentially serious, several features can help distinguish the difference.
What Is the Normal Cholesterol Level for Women?
Seventy-one million adults in the United States are affected by high LDL cholesterol, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is important to be aware of your cholesterol levels because a high cholesterol level double your risk for developing cardiovascular disease.
The Effects of Anemia on the Cardiovascular System
There are numerous effects of anemia on the cardiovascular system. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, iron deficiency is one of the principle causes of anemia, although certain medical conditions, including sickle cell anemia and cancer, can also cause anemia.