What Is a Dangerously Low Pulse Rate?
A low pulse rate needs evaluation if also accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, fatigue or fainting.
Structure & Functions of the Cardiovascular System
The cardiovascular system, including the heart, blood and blood vessels, acts as closed transport system for the body.
Normal Pulse Rate for a Healthy Person
Checking your pulse is usually one of the first things that happens when you visit your doctor. This simple test is quick and painless, and provides information about your overall health. It also can be an important factor in making a diagnosis.
The Effects of Serotonin in the Cardiovascular System
MayoClinic.com points out that serotonin is a chemical produced by the body that is necessary for proper nerve cell and brain function. However, serotonin has effects that go beyond the brain, as too much or too little serotonin can affect the central nervous system, digestion and mood states.
How to Stay Healthy at 25 Years Old
People in their mid 20s are beginning their adult lives. Finished with college and settling into a job, a city and a lifestyle, 25-year-olds would do well to pay attention to health factors that can influence their present and future wellness.
How to Reverse Calcium Buildup in the Heart
A buildup of calcium on your heart increases your risk of heart disease and heart attack. When calcium builds up in your aortic valves, the blood flow to your heart is reduced, which can cause these life-threatening medical problems.
The Normal Heart Rate at 15 Months
The heart rate is one of your body’s vital signs, indicating its level of functioning. A normal heart rate varies, depending on your age and circumstances. Newborn babies have faster heart rates than adults, and various factors, such as heart conditions, physical activity or physical fitness, can influence heart rate.
What Is a Normal Pulse Rate for a 40-Year-Old Woman?
According to Medline Plus, from the National Library of Medicine in the National Institutes of Health, pulse rate is the number of beats per minute. Other terms for the pulse rate are the heart rate or heart beat.
How Does Smoking Influence Cholesterol & Triglyceride Levels?
Most people understand that smoking causes substantial harm to lung tissue, but few realize that smoking causes more deaths from heart disease than from lung cancer.
Good Pulse Rate for an Elliptical Machine
Elliptical machines offer a form of low-impact aerobic exercise. They cause less stress on joints and muscles than jogging or running, even on a treadmill. In addition, many models also work the arms and upper body with moving handles.
Nutrition Facts for Sparkling Cider
Sparkling cider is a bubbly, non-alcoholic form of apple juice often used as a celebratory beverage in place of champagne. Although the fizzy beverage has certain nutritional benefits and is free of fat, cholesterol and sodium, sparkling cider has a relatively high calorie content at about 140 calories per ounce.
Top 10 Foods for Clean Arteries
Your diet directly affects your health, including the health of your circulatory system. Over time, a diet high in fat and processed foods elevates your cholesterol levels.