Good Ways to Remove Chest Hair on Men
The days of men showing off their big hairy chests have come and gone. Many men have traded in their combs for clippers as chest hair removal has become a growing trend. Advertising and American culture makes it apparent that bare-chested men are sexier and more desirable.
Bumps on the Head After Shaving
The smooth, clean look of a shaved head can camouflage a receding hairline or provide cool comfort during the heat of summer. Unfortunately, a hairless scalp sometimes comes with a price.
Why Do Women Get Facial Hair & Hair on the Neck?
In today’s society, women are very self-conscious about having facial hair and excessive hair on their body. Approximately 20 million Americans on a weekly basis are using some sort of health and beauty product to remove this excess hair.
How Does Nair Hair Removal Work?
Chemical depilatory creams are one of many hair-removal options available. Nair's advantages include smoother skin and a longer time before hair regrowth, especially as compared to shaving; disadvantages include skin irritation and a pungent smell.
How to Remove Chlorine From the Hair & Body
Chlorine acts as a disinfectant in swimming pool water, killing the bacteria responsible for a host of diseases. According to the American Chemistry Council, the chlorine in pool water requires daily testing to ensure that the water-to-chemical ratio is in check.
Herbal Treatment for Excessive Facial Hair on Women
You could have excessive facial hair growth due to genetics, a hormonal imbalance or a related underlying medical condition. Many women have abnormal hair growth due to a condition called hirsutism, and some could have polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS.
How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps Around the Buttocks
Razor bumps are caused by irritation and ingrown hairs that develop as a result of shaving. An ingrown hair occurs when it is shaved short and turns back into the skin. Any area of the body that is shaved is susceptible to razor bumps, including the buttocks.
How to Clear Up Ingrown Hairs
Ingrown hairs are caused by the ends of hairs becoming trapped underneath the skin, which then become infected and pus-filled. Because ingrown hairs closely resemble whiteheads and acne pustules, many people unknowingly try to pop and pick at ingrown hairs, only to end up with unsightly scars and skin discolorations.
How to Make Sugar Honey Hair-Removal Wax
Honey and sugar hair-removal wax, often referred to as body sugaring, is a safe and inexpensive way to remove body hair.
How to Treat an Ingrown Pimple
Ingrown pimples are generally caused by ingrown hairs that become trapped beneath the surface of the skin, causing irritation and infection. This condition, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, occurs most often in the neck area in people who have hair that is curly.
How to Remove Hair From the Face With an Epilator
Epilators are electric hair removal devices that quickly pull hair from its root. "Many people choose this method of hair removal because it is safer than shaving and less messy than waxing, according to "Cosmetic Dermatology: Principles and Practice."
How to Remove Hair From Sensitive Places On a Woman's Body
When unwanted hair is in a delicate area, such as the underarms, pubic area or around the nipple, special care must be taken when removing hair. Some methods, such as depilatories designed for the less fragile skin of the legs, will not be appropriate for more delicate areas, and can cause skin rashes of irritation.