Are There Any Home Treatments to Grow Facial Hair?

According to Hudson’s Guide, the ability to grow facial hair is based on genetic makeup, and though there are some medical treatments for facial hair growth, most have too many side effects to use routinely. However, supporters of home remedies claim that there are some that can be used to grow facial hair.

How to Cure or Prevent Ingrown Hairs From Epilating

Epilators are small, handheld electrical hair removal devices designed to pull out individual hairs by the root. As these hairs are removed, the risk of developing ingrown hairs is higher. When your hair grows back, it may become trapped just underneath the hair follicle, causing pain and inflammation.

The Safest Way to Lighten Facial Hair

When you have embarrassing facial hair, but you don't want to shave, wax or have it removed via laser, bleaching is an effective way to minimize the appearance of the hair.

How to Remove a Bead From a Child's Nose

If you have kids, you can be fairly certain that at some point they are likely to stick something up their nose that doesn't belong there. It is normal for a child to explore his body, according to MedlinePlus. Children routinely place food, seeds, erasers, crayons and beads into their ears and noses.

How to Heal Shave Bumps on Legs

If baring your legs also means showing the world an embarrassing rash of little red bumps, you may need to rethink the way you shave. Razor bumps are caused by ingrown hairs and can occur anywhere you shave or wax.

Ingrown Hair that Is Now a Bump

Shaving causes many instances of ingrown hairs or pseudo-folliculitis, but shaving isn't the only culprit. Anything which cuts or breaks body hairs slightly below the surface of the skin could trap the hair and trigger the condition.

How to Treat an Ingrown Fingernail

Ingrown fingernails occur when the edge of a fingernail grows into the skin surrounding it. The usual cause of ingrown fingernails is improper trimming of the nail, although nail biting or an injury to the hand that tears the nail can be the culprit too.

The Best Electric Shavers for Females

Electric shavers for women are usually less powerful and effective than razors sold for men. Some women prefer to use men’s razors rather than those for women. However, there are a few women’s razors that offer superior cutting technology. Look for razors with multiple cutting surfaces and wet-dry capabilities.

How to Remove Sugar From Your System

Sugar is everywhere. You can find it in everything from dairy products to sauces to canned foods. If you’re trying to eliminate sugar from your life, you will need to do more than just give up sweets. Aside from changes in your diet, try exercising daily.

Benefits of an Epilator

Epilators are hair removal tools that remove hair from the root. While tweezing, sugaring, waxing and threading are all forms of epilation, you can also purchase epilator devices which use rotating, tweezer-like heads to remove hair.

How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs in a Moustache

Ingrown hairs usually form after shaving or tweezing, when the hair curls in on itself instead of pushing through the skin. The curled hair continues to grow, trapped under the skin and sometimes causing inflammation and infection, until it is removed.

How to Shave Female Pubic Hair

Shaving the pubic area originated in ancient Greece and Egypt, states the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. During that time, a shaved pubic area was a sign that a woman was a prostitute. Since then, shaving the pubic area has evolved into a personal choice without the stigma associated with it during ancient times.