Waxing Vs. Shaving Legs

Mini skirts, shorts and other leg-baring styles call for legs worth baring. In American culture, this often means getting rid of leg hair. Shaving and waxing are two methods readily available -- all you need for either technique can be found at drugstores or even supermarkets.

How to Shave Your Legs Using Baby Oil

Shaving your legs with shaving gel or cream may irritate sensitive skin. Baby oil is a good alternative to traditional shaving products, suggests author Joey Green in "Supermarket Spa." It moisturizes sensitive skin and reduces the risk of breakouts and rashes related to shaving.

How to Use Turmeric for Hair Removal

Turmeric is a spice most often used to add color and flavor to mustard, soups, sauces and Indian cuisine. The yellow spice may seem like a strange beauty aid, but it has long been used in India to remove unwanted hair and inhibit hair growth.

How to Change a Hairline With Laser Hair Removal

Many people think their hairline is something they can never change and that unless they go bald, they'll be stuck with it forever. However, you can completely change how your hairline looks by utilizing laser hair removal.

How to Stop Ingrown Hairs in Pubic Area

Shaving, waxing or using other methods of pubic-hair removal can increase the chances of developing an ingrown hair. The hair becomes ingrown when the tip folds back into the skin and continues to grow. The result is inflammation, irritation, itching, a white-head pimple and sometimes pain.

How to Treat Laser Hair Removal Burns

One of the major risks that come with getting laser hair removal done is the potential of getting burns on the skin. This may occur as a result of the laser used during the procedure being set too high. If you happen to notice burn markings after a laser hair removal appointment, notify the clinic right away.

Reasons for Pubic Hair

The human body is an amazing construction. All the parts work together to do what needs to be done, and everything has a purpose. Or, it seems, almost everything. While it is obvious that, say, eyelashes and nose hairs protect our eyes and noses from stuff getting in them, what about pubic hair?

Vaginal Hair Removal Products

There are several products available to remove the hair that grows around your vaginal opening, more commonly known as the pubic region. What you choose to use to remove the hair down there will depend upon your skin sensitivity, available time and pain threshold.

Saw Palmetto Dose for Facial Hair in Women

Hirsutism is a condition that causes women to grow excess hair on the face and other areas of the body where men usually grow hair, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC. Approximately half of women with hirsutism have unusually high amounts of androgen, or male sex hormones.

Remedies for Itching of Pubic Hair

Pubic itching can be very aggravating and excruciating, causing extreme discomfort and embarrassment for individuals on whom it develops. One of the most common reasons for pubic itching is pubic lice, also called crabs.

Can You Slow Down the Growth of Facial Hair With a Home Remedy?

Slowing facial hair growth can be done with in-office medical procedures, however natural remedies are also available, such as sugaring. This method not only removes unwanted hair, but also slows regrowth without the use of harmful chemicals or costly dermatologist visits.

How to Remove Facial Wax

Waxing looks simple enough when you're in the chair at the salon. Your tech slathers some wax on your face, applies a strip over top and yanks the hair out.