How to Treat Ingrown Hairs on the Scalp
If you shave your head, you may experience ingrown hairs as a result. Once a hair is shaved, its tip becomes sharp. As the hair grows out, it may curve toward the scalp and pierce the skin. Your body then treats the hair like a foreign object and the area becomes red and inflamed.
How to Shave a Bikini Line With an Electric Razor
Shaving around the bikini line is a sensitive activity that requires patience and good light as well as a sharp razor. The Palo Alto Medical Foundation recommends not using an electric razor for shaving the bikini area because you have less control over the blades.
Side Effects of Hair Remover
Popular depilatory creams such as Nair and Veet remove hair by essentially melting the hair away. The creams contain chemicals that attack hair and break down its natural structure. After the proper amount of time has passed, the cream and what’s left of the hair slide down the drain with the rinse water.
The Best Way to Remove Ear Hair
Excess ear hair is a problem faced mostly by men, as they age and hormone levels in the body change. Ear hair may grow randomly on different parts of the ear, or sprout in bunches from the ear canal.
Razor Bumps Under My Chin
When you shave in the morning, the little pesky bumps that crop up afterward are fairly common. While they're usually nothing more than a nuisance, it can be embarrassing to sport razor rash on your chin.
Shavers for Ingrown Hairs
Pseudofolliculitis barbae, commonly known as ingrown hairs, affect shaved areas of the body including the face, neck and armpits. CNN Health says shaving hairs close to the skin surface causes the hair to curl and grow into the skin instead of exiting the follicle.
How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs After Waxing
Any time you remove body hair using conventional forms of epilation or depilation, you risk getting ingrown hairs, and waxing can put you at an increased risk.
Facial Hair Removal Creams for Men
Shaving can cause havoc on your face if you have sensitive skin. Razor burn, cuts and ingrown hairs are just some of the possible consequences of shaving. Luckily, shaving is not the only way to get rid of beards. Facial hair removal creams for men can also provide smooth skin without causing nicks, cuts or irritation.
Removing a Burned Smell From Beans
The aroma of bubbling baked beans normally appeals, but a burned pot smells appalling. You could throw the whole thing out -- remember to dump the offending legumes in a sturdy trash bag and place them outside or the entire house will reek of "eau de ruined dinner"
How to Shave Private Areas
There are multiple ways to remove hair that grows near your genital region, but shaving is the easiest method to use at home. Shaving can be a painless, bump-free experience when done with the correct tools and the proper technique.
How to Remove a Tick From Hair
Most ticks are harmless, but some ticks carry serious diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Using insect repellent and wearing a hat can help reduce your risk of tick bites, but if you spend time in the woods or fields, checking for ticks afterward is essential.
How to Make Razor Blades Stay Sharp
High-quality razor blades aren't cheap, but even the most expensive ones tend to dull after a few uses. If you shave daily, the cost of those blades starts to add up. By caring for your blades, however, they can each last a few months or even longer.