How to Permanently Remove Hair on the Legs
Unwanted leg hair can make you feel self-conscious about your legs, especially if there are many. There are several ways to remove leg hair, such as sugaring, waxing and shaving. However, these methods are not permanent and take a long time to do.
Bartholin's Cyst vs. Ingrown Hair
Two common causes of uncomfortable bumps or lumps in the female genital area are Bartholin's cysts and ingrown hairs.
How to Prepare for Upper Lip Laser Hair Removal
When it comes to removing unwanted facial hair, laser hair removal is an excellent choice for long-lasting results. The laser hair removal process is generally fairly quick, although several treatments may be required. Most users report only mild discomfort during treatment and recovery.
Ways to Remove Body Hair Permanently at Home
Many people desire smooth, hairless skin and prefer to permanently remove body hair in the privacy of their home. Traditional ways of removing hair at home, such as shaving, tweezing, waxing and chemical creams, are only temporary.
How Do I Get Rid of Laser Hair Bumps?
Laser hair removal is an ideal way to get long-lasting hair removal results. Laser light is aimed at individual hair follicles, sending them into a resting phase, which limits hair growth. Post-procedural instructions include treatment for red, swollen bumps that are a normal result of this procedure.
Home Treatment for Bumps After Waxing
Waxing removes hair at the root, leaving you with smooth skin for approximately three to six weeks. Unfortunately, not everyone goes through the waxing process without a hitch. If you are one of many that experience a rash after waxing, there is help.
What Is the Normal Age to Start to Shave?
Boys and girls start to grow hair in new locations during puberty, which varies drastically from person to person. Girls usually enter puberty between 8 and 13 years of age while boys start puberty between 10 and 15 years of age.
How to Remove Hair With a Loofah
A loofah is a sponge used on the body to prepare the skin prior to waxing the hair or following laser hair removal. The loofah will exfoliate dead skin in the area before waxing and helps ensure an even wax application for the hair removal.
The Side Effects of Paraffin Wax
Paraffin wax is applied to the face, hands, feet and body during spa treatments that are intended to moisturize and soften the skin. Paraffin wax is a soft wax made from petroleum byproducts and has been laboratory tested to be hygienically safe to use.
How to Remove Coarse Dark Hair From Legs
Even the best of shaves may not closely remove coarse, dark hair from your legs. Shaving, a form of depilation, removes hair just at the surface, leaving noticeable follicles -- similar to a five o'clock shadow. Hair can sometimes begin to grow back in a matter of hours after depilation, adding to your frustration.
Hair Removal by Buffing
The technique of buffing away body hair has indeterminate origins, although this rather unorthodox method of hair removal was definitely popular in World War II when razors were rationed and women resorted to "sandpapering" their legs.
The Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal on the Face
Once of the most common and worrisome side effects associated with laser hair removal involves hair regrowth in the treatment area. Although touted as a permanent hair-removal technique, laser therapy does not guarantee permanent hair removal.