Can a Food Allergy Cause Scalp Folliculitis?
Food allergies are widely misunderstood. Approximately 25 percent of adults believe that they have food allergies, while in reality only 2 percent of adults actually have professionally diagnosed food allergies, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Facial Hair Removal for Black Women
Black women can pretty much use the same hair removal methods to get rid of unwanted facial hair as any other woman. While skin tone may have some bearing on certain hair removal treatments, the options for black women are often influenced by the amount of facial hair and the location of growth.
How to Remove Hair Around the Vagina
Many women feel cleaner and more confident after they remove some or all of the hair from their genital region. You can rid yourself of pubic hair by waxing, shaving or using a depilatory cream.
How to Get Rid of Facial Swelling
The National Institutes of Health states that swelling, also called edema, is a build-up of fluids in the tissues. Facial swelling may be mild, and thus harder to detect, or severe, in which case treatment will depend on the underlying cause.
Red Bumps on the Knees
Red bumps can develop on the knees for a variety of reasons. These bumps can be painful, irritating and unpleasant in appearance. Although bumps on the knees are not typically cause for alarm, it is important for the sufferer to understand what kinds of conditions can cause them — and what treatments are available.
Red Bumps After Shaving Legs
About 60 percent of women experience dryness and irritation after shaving, according to 2013 reports from “Redbook” magazine and Gillette.
How Do Dermatologists Treat Facial Hair on Women?
The growth of hair on the face, underarms, arms and legs is something that is shared by both men and women alike. Unfortunately, for most women, noticeable hair in these places is not a desirable trait.
How to Treat a Razor Rash on the Neck
Shaving with a razor is an inexpensive and quick method to remove hair from the face. Unfortunately, if you shave with a dull blade -- or use a razor riddled with bacteria -- you can get razor rash or razor burn. Not only does razor rash on the neck cause some pain and itching, it can be unsightly until it heals.
Why Atheletes Remove Body Hair
Body hair removal is considered a burden by most people. It can be a time consuming task that requires regular weekly maintenance. Problems may occur, such as razor cuts or the development of painful ingrown hairs. Yet many athletes, female and male alike, remove their hair on a regular basis.
How to Remove Facial Milia
Milia are small, white skin bumps that grow mostly on the face, around the eyes, cheeks, nose and chin. These benign cysts form when glands under the skin that normally help facilitate exfoliation fail to develop properly or are damaged, and dead skin cells become trapped.
How to Get Rid of Underarm Razor Bumps
Shaving under your arms can sometimes leave the delicate, sensitive skin in that area with red, irritated bumps; not the look you're going for if you're putting on a tank top. Banish those bumps by taking some precautionary measures before you shave under your arms.
Effect of Humidity on Human Hair
Humidity is an almost universal catalyst for frizzy or uncooperative locks--regardless of hair type. During periods of high humidity, even people who normally lack frizz-factor might combat dry, unmanageable, fluffy ends.