Home Remedies for Bleaching Facial Hair
Dark facial hairs can be embarrassing, but you don't have to live with unsightly facial hair. Dermatologists provide permanent hair removal services, or you can try removing or bleaching your facial hair at home.
How to Shave Your Legs Without Shaving Cream
You do not need shave gels and shaving creams to get a close shave on your legs. A bar of soap or body wash along with a little water in the shower or bathtub provides you enough foam for a sharp razor to slide over your legs. Shaving in the shower provides you with steam and moisture to keep your skin supple.
How to Get Rid of White Facial Hairs
It is common to notice an increased amount of white hair on your face as you get older. The aging process reduces the body's level of melanin, which is the pigment that generates skin and hair color. White or gray hair continues to grow, but is more translucent, which gives it the lighter appearance.
How to Dislodge Deep Ingrown Underarm Hair
An ingrown hair in the underarm area is painful because of the bump and irritation that occurs. It is caused by shaving, other hair removal methods, or friction from tight clothing. A deep ingrown, or embedded hair is a hair that has grown through the wall of the hair follicle.
How to Stop Hair From Itching When Growing
Whether you shave your legs, bikini line, face or head, hair growing back in can be maddeningly itchy. Shaving irritates and dries out the skin, and sometimes when the freshly shaved hair grows back it can become ingrown, building up in a coil just under the skin's surface and forming a painful red bump.
How to Close Big Pores on Your Legs, Arms & Face
Enlarged pores can cause makeup to settle, blackheads to form and general cosmetic concerns. Although you cannot physically reduce pore size, proper skin care and resurfacing treatments can make pores appear smaller.
How to Get Rid of Facial Hair for Men
If you want to shave and groom your facial hair, there are safe and effective ways to shave -- without cutting yourself or causing dry skin. Because men's beards are typically very thick, removal methods such as plucking and waxing are impractical and painful.
How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs With a Depilatory
Shaving may be the cheapest and fastest way to get rid of body hair, but it's also more likely to cause razor bumps and ingrown hairs. Cornell Medical School dermatologist Harvey H.
Weird Bumps on the Back After Waxing
Grooming a hairy back can be a challenge, and you may opt for waxing as a way to address it. Though waxing can be painful, it can be a quick and easy way to remove hair from some skin surfaces, including your back, says Jacqui Stafford, director of style for Shape magazine, in Men's Fitness magazine.
How to Get Rid of Facial Hair Without Shaving
Shaving is one of the fastest and cheapest ways to get rid of facial hair, but it's not the best choice for everyone. Taking a razor to your face can irritate delicate skin, and when you shave, you're only free of hair for a few days. Other hair-removal methods, such as waxing or plucking, may work better for you.
Side Effects of Face Waxing
Face waxing services are an easy and efficient way to manage facial hair. Before face waxing or removal of unwanted hair from your face, you need to know the potential side effects and how your skin may be affected.
How to Stop Ingrown Eyebrow Hairs
Whether you trim, wax or tweeze your eyebrows, as the hair grows back in, an ingrown hair may cause an unsightly, irritated bump. The hair follicle becomes swollen if the hair is growing in the wrong direction, leading to ingrown hairs.