How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs on Your Legs

Ah, the dreaded ingrown hairs. When these lumpy and bumpy lesions appear on your legs, or any other parts of the body, they are irritating, painful and unsightly. While the common causes of ingrown hairs are improper shaving techniques and the friction of tight clothing, you can get rid of your them safely at home.

How to Get Wax Off Skin

Waxing is a quick and inexpensive way to remove unwanted hair, but it doesn't always go as smoothly as you might hope. Sometimes -- especially if you are a beginner -- you manage to get the hair all yanked out, only to have little patches of leftover wax that are even harder to get rid of than the hair.

How to Remove Splenda From Your Body

Artificial sweeteners such as Splenda have been popular in diet and so-called sugar-free foods for decades. Unfortunately, little is known about their long-term effects on health, and many experts believe their short-term effects could be as bad, if not worse, as sugar itself.

Acne From a Mustache

Acne can be embarrassing for anyone, but when you develop pimples underneath your mustache, the problem can be uncomfortable as well.

How to Get Rid of Open Pores After Waxing

Waxing is a form of hair removal that removes hair directly from the follicle instead of cutting it at the skin's surface with a shaver. This type of hair removal offers the benefit of living hair-free for several weeks after the procedure. Waxing causes slight trauma to the skin, which can result in irritation.

Little Red Bumps on My Legs After Wearing Jeans

Heavy denim jeans can make your legs sweaty during hot or humid weather. They might also rub against your legs, which can irritate your skin. Little red bumps might even appear on your legs after wearing jeans, which can give your legs an unsightly appearance.

How to Treat an Infected Ingrown Hair

An ingrown hair occurs when a short hair curls and begins to grow back into the skin. The condition primarily affects black males between the ages of 14 and 25 according to the Women who shave their pubic hair also are prone to ingrown hairs.

What Do Swimmers Do to Remove Body Hair?

Swimming is a non-impact form of exercise that involves practically every muscle in the body. People who do it professionally or competitively do everything they can to get from one side of the pool to the other as fast as possible. One of the ways they increase their speed is by shaving off body hair.

How to Shave Facial Hair on Women

Hirsutism causes women to grow excess body hair, including on the face. The hair that grows as a result of hirsutism can be thick, coarse and dark, and can be a source of embarrassment for many women.

How to Remove Hair Permanently Naturally

Having excess hair can make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance. In women, too much facial or body hair is often the result of a condition called hirsutism, which tends to be caused by a hormonal imbalance. To remove hair and prevent it from coming back, a natural approach is often the kindest on the body.

How to Cure Electric Razor Rash

Razor rash, which appears as red, bumpy patches of skin, is caused by bacteria or a dull razor blade. Electric razors don't show the signs of wear as easily as the disposable variety, and it is easy to forget to change the blade. The screen and cutter of an electric razor should be replaced once a year.

How to Stop the Itching After Shaving

Stop avoiding your favorite bikini or skipping water aerobics class at the gym because of razor burn. From dry, cracking skin and ingrown hairs, to red sore bumps, the itching associated with these skin irritations after shaving is manageable.