Does Kelp Help With Hair Growth?
The human scalp contains about 100,000 hairs, growing at a rate of about half an inch per month. Most people typically shed between 50 to 100 hairs a day. Excessive hair loss can be a distressing condition affecting both men and women and can have numerous causes, from poor nutrition to disease.
How to Prevent Hair From Flattening Overnight
When you slipped off to dreamland, you had perfectly styled hair; however, when you woke up, those treasured tresses went flat or became a frizzy mess. You can extend the wear of a wavy or curly hairstyle by preparing your head before you lay it on a pillow.
What Are the Benefits of Mustard Oil for Hair Growth?
Mustard seed oil is made from the seeds of the mustard plant, a cruciferious vegetable in the same family as Brussels sprouts, cabbage and broccoli. Mustard seeds, and their oil, have been used medicinally since ancient Greece.
Can You Prevent White Hair Growth?
White hair growth appears at different stages of life for everyone. The 30s and 40s are usually the turning point for the majority of men and women, though, when a significant prominence of gray hair becomes difficult to ignore.
How to Use Egg for Hair Growth
Conditioning your hair with eggs enhances hair growth because eggs contain lots of protein. Hair is composed of 70 percent keratin protein, so egg protein helps rebuild damaged hair by filling in weakened spots along the hair strand, which temporarily strengthens the hair.
Lavender Oil & Hair Growth
Lavender oil can help your hair grow. Many people lose their hair because of a medical condition called alopecia areata. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to reject its hair follicles as foreign objects. Lavender oil is a natural product to help treat this disease. A sense of calm is a bonus!
How to Treat Color-Damaged Black Hair
Changing up your hair color can be fun and give you a whole new look, but all the chemicals used can damage your tresses. African-American hair is usually drier than most other types of hair, so it’s particularly susceptible to damage from chemicals.
How to Treat Damaged Hair & Split Ends
If you're plagued by dry, brittle hair and split ends, you can remedy it without spending a fortune for expensive hair treatments. By following some basic hair care guidelines and practicing healthy lifestyle habits, you can greatly improve the condition of damaged hair and banish the majority of your split ends.
How to Keep Afro Hair From Breaking
Few things are as disheartening as running a comb through your hair and having clumps of hair break off. Since Afro hair is generally drier than other hair types, certain styling methods make it more vulnerable to breakage.
How to Make Scalp Hair Grow Back Naturally
Losing your hair can be an embarrassing situation to go through, but it happens to million of Americans. While most of the people who lose their hair are over the age of 40, anyone can get bald spots and lose hair. You lose your hair from an illness, a bad diet, but--most of all--hair loss is hereditary.
Home Protein Treatment for Hair
Protein treatments can improve the appearance of dry, damaged hair. A home protein mask can smooth the hair shaft, adding shine and reducing frizz and flyaways.
How to Care for Black Kids' Hair
Hair matters. The Adoption Resources of Wisconsin shares that hair is an important cultural reflection for a child and can help instill self-confidence when cared for correctly. In addition to being curly, black hair is unique from other hair types in that it’s naturally drier, coarser and more densely packed.