How to File for Divorce If You Got Married Overseas
The laws of all U.S. states permit you to obtain a divorce even if your marriage occurred overseas. The only caveat is that the foreign marriage must be valid pursuant to the laws of the country where it occurred, according to the American Bar Association Section of Family Law.
How to Leave a Husband Who Doesn't Want a Divorce
Deciding to get a divorce is rarely easy. If your husband doesn't want to get a divorce, it can make the process even more difficult. Though the laws governing divorce differ from state to state, you can always protect your interests best by talking to a qualified divorce attorney. Almost all states allow for "
How to Wear a Back Support While You Sleep
Back supports, or orthoses, are used by people rehabilitating from a back injury or surgery. The belts are intended to provide additional support while the back heals, and come in a variety of forms, ranging from cervical braces to corset-like wraps or rigid braces.
Felony Conviction & Child Custody Rights
As of 2000, an estimated 6 percent of United States adults were convicted felons, according to author Joan Petersilia. If current trends persist, one in every 15 adults, or 6.6 percent, will serve time in prison, according to Criminal Records.
Reasons for Full Custody
Full custody, also called sole custody, occurs when a court awards either you, your spouse or a third party both physical placement and legal custody of your child or children.
The Long-Term Effects of Divorce on Children
According to the American Psychological Association, being raised by happily married parents shelters children from mental, physical, educational and social problems. What does this mean for the children of the approximately 50 percent of married couples who end up getting divorced?
Divorce Legal Aid for Women
Divorce is one of life's most stressful events. Not only does it take a toll on your emotions and mental health, it also wreaks havoc on your finances and your relationship with your family members, and often results in the loss of belongings or property.
Child Custody & Loss of Parental Rights From Drug Abuse
Parental drug abuse potentially impacts legal rights in three different areas: visitation, custody and parental rights, according to the American Bar Association Section of Family Law. Drug abuse by a parent potentially causes the loss of visitation, custody and even parental rights in the most serious of cases.