What Do You Give Toddlers Who Have an Upset Stomach?
A toddler can develop an upset stomach after eating spoiled food, in response to an infection or as a reaction to motion sickness or overeating. No matter what the cause, dealing with a child who doesn't feel good puts stress on everyone in the family.
Eating Pizza After a Juice Fast
Fresh fruit juice is a healthy treat packed full of healthy vitamins and minerals. As long as it’s low in sugar and not filled with unhealthy fillers, juice can be a beneficial addition to any healthy diet.
Foul Smelling Flatulence in Children
Most people pass gas between 14 and 23 times a day, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders states. While passing gas is embarrassing and often slightly odorous, truly foul-smelling gas is more uncommon.
What Are the Dangers of a Feeding Tube in the Elderly?
The elderly have a high risk for malnutrition. With advancing age, there is an increased chance for developing diseases or conditions that affect nutrition. Cognitive impairments can also cause chewing and swallowing difficulty.
Does Fiber Make You Bloated?
Consuming fiber is beneficial because it helps add bulk to your diet. The increased bulk aids your digestion and helps prevent constipation. It also helps you feel fuller faster, which can help keep your weight under control.
Oatmeal and Acid Reflux
Often referred to as heartburn, acid reflux is a burning sensation in the chest that occurs when stomach contents back up into the esophagus. While acid reflux may limit what foods can be tolerated, whole grain and fiber-rich oatmeal may benefit individuals who suffer from these symptoms.
Diarrhea From Eating Foods With Seeds
Developing diarrhea after eating foods that contain seeds, such as sesame, poppy or sunflower seeds, is a symptom that needs to be assessed by a doctor. The most common reason for having diarrhea after eating foods with seeds is a seed allergy.
Peppermint Tea for Stomach Bloating
Stomach bloating, also known as abdominal bloating, is a condition characterized by abnormal sensations of fullness or tightness in your stomach or abdomen. This condition has a number of potential causes, including weight gain, constipation, overeating and unconscious or habitual swallowing of air.
Is It Diabetes When I Am So Tired After Eating?
You may feel tired after eating for several reasons, including being an undiagnosed diabetic. Keep a food and activity journal to help you and your doctor identify the cause of your fatigue.
Protein Digestive Problems
All foods and beverages contain certain proteins that are specific to that food or beverage. If your body cannot digest -- or experiences an allergic reaction after you ingest -- certain proteins, you will develop digestive symptoms.
Constant Diarrhea After Eating
If you develop constant diarrhea after eating, you may be suffering from a few different conditions. If the constant diarrhea developed suddenly, you could have viral gastroenteritis or food poisoning. If you notice diarrhea after eating certain foods, you may have an allergy to certain proteins found in various foods.
How to Fix a Hiatal Hernia
A hiatal hernia occurs when a section of the stomach moves above the diaphragm into the chest cavity through the hiatus. The hiatus is the small opening in the diaphragm where the esophagus travels to the stomach. The diaphragm is the layer of muscle separating the chest and abdominal cavities.